// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. package main import ( "bytes"; "container/vector"; "exec"; "flag"; "fmt"; "io"; "os"; "patch"; "path"; "sort"; "strings"; ) var checkSync = flag.Bool("checksync", true, "check whether repository is out of sync") func usage() { fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "usage: hgpatch [options] [patchfile]\n"); flag.PrintDefaults(); os.Exit(2); } func main() { flag.Usage = usage; flag.Parse(); args := flag.Args(); var data []byte; var err os.Error; switch len(args) { case 0: data, err = io.ReadAll(os.Stdin) case 1: data, err = io.ReadFile(args[0]) default: usage() } chk(err); pset, err := patch.Parse(data); chk(err); // Change to hg root directory, because // patch paths are relative to root. root, err := hgRoot(); chk(err); chk(os.Chdir(root)); // Make sure there are no pending changes on the server. if *checkSync && hgIncoming() { fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "incoming changes waiting; run hg sync first\n"); os.Exit(2); } // Make sure we won't be editing files with local pending changes. dirtylist, err := hgModified(); chk(err); dirty := make(map[string]int); for _, f := range dirtylist { dirty[f] = 1 } conflict := make(map[string]int); for _, f := range pset.File { if f.Verb == patch.Delete || f.Verb == patch.Rename { if _, ok := dirty[f.Src]; ok { conflict[f.Src] = 1 } } if f.Verb != patch.Delete { if _, ok := dirty[f.Dst]; ok { conflict[f.Dst] = 1 } } } if len(conflict) > 0 { fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "cannot apply patch to locally modified files:\n"); for name := range conflict { fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "\t%s\n", name) } os.Exit(2); } // Apply changes in memory. op, err := pset.Apply(io.ReadFile); chk(err); // Write changes to disk copy: order of commands matters. // Accumulate undo log as we go, in case there is an error. // Also accumulate list of modified files to print at end. changed := make(map[string]int); // Copy, Rename create the destination file, so they // must happen before we write the data out. // A single patch may have a Copy and a Rename // with the same source, so we have to run all the // Copy in one pass, then all the Rename. for i := range op { o := &op[i]; if o.Verb == patch.Copy { makeParent(o.Dst); chk(hgCopy(o.Dst, o.Src)); undoRevert(o.Dst); changed[o.Dst] = 1; } } for i := range op { o := &op[i]; if o.Verb == patch.Rename { makeParent(o.Dst); chk(hgRename(o.Dst, o.Src)); undoRevert(o.Dst); undoRevert(o.Src); changed[o.Src] = 1; changed[o.Dst] = 1; } } // Run Delete before writing to files in case one of the // deleted paths is becoming a directory. for i := range op { o := &op[i]; if o.Verb == patch.Delete { chk(hgRemove(o.Src)); undoRevert(o.Src); changed[o.Src] = 1; } } // Write files. for i := range op { o := &op[i]; if o.Verb == patch.Delete { continue } if o.Verb == patch.Add { makeParent(o.Dst); changed[o.Dst] = 1; } if o.Data != nil { chk(io.WriteFile(o.Dst, o.Data, 0644)); if o.Verb == patch.Add { undoRm(o.Dst) } else { undoRevert(o.Dst) } changed[o.Dst] = 1; } if o.Mode != 0 { chk(os.Chmod(o.Dst, o.Mode&0755)); undoRevert(o.Dst); changed[o.Dst] = 1; } } // hg add looks at the destination file, so it must happen // after we write the data out. for i := range op { o := &op[i]; if o.Verb == patch.Add { chk(hgAdd(o.Dst)); undoRevert(o.Dst); changed[o.Dst] = 1; } } // Finished editing files. Write the list of changed files to stdout. list := make([]string, len(changed)); i := 0; for f := range changed { list[i] = f; i++; } sort.SortStrings(list); for _, f := range list { fmt.Printf("%s\n", f) } } // make parent directory for name, if necessary func makeParent(name string) { parent, _ := path.Split(name); chk(mkdirAll(parent, 0755)); } // Copy of os.MkdirAll but adds to undo log after // creating a directory. func mkdirAll(path string, perm int) os.Error { dir, err := os.Lstat(path); if err == nil { if dir.IsDirectory() { return nil } return &os.PathError{"mkdir", path, os.ENOTDIR}; } i := len(path); for i > 0 && path[i-1] == '/' { // Skip trailing slashes. i-- } j := i; for j > 0 && path[j-1] != '/' { // Scan backward over element. j-- } if j > 0 { err = mkdirAll(path[0:j-1], perm); if err != nil { return err } } err = os.Mkdir(path, perm); if err != nil { // Handle arguments like "foo/." by // double-checking that directory doesn't exist. dir, err1 := os.Lstat(path); if err1 == nil && dir.IsDirectory() { return nil } return err; } undoRm(path); return nil; } // If err != nil, process the undo log and exit. func chk(err os.Error) { if err != nil { fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "%s\n", err); runUndo(); os.Exit(2); } } // Undo log type undo func() os.Error var undoLog vector.Vector // vector of undo func undoRevert(name string) { undoLog.Push(undo(func() os.Error { return hgRevert(name) })) } func undoRm(name string) { undoLog.Push(undo(func() os.Error { return os.Remove(name) })) } func runUndo() { for i := undoLog.Len() - 1; i >= 0; i-- { if err := undoLog.At(i).(undo)(); err != nil { fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "%s\n", err) } } } // hgRoot returns the root directory of the repository. func hgRoot() (string, os.Error) { out, err := run([]string{"hg", "root"}, nil); if err != nil { return "", err } return strings.TrimSpace(out), nil; } // hgIncoming returns true if hg sync will pull in changes. func hgIncoming() bool { // hg -q incoming exits 0 when there is nothing incoming, 1 otherwise. _, err := run([]string{"hg", "-q", "incoming"}, nil); return err == nil; } // hgModified returns a list of the modified files in the // repository. func hgModified() ([]string, os.Error) { out, err := run([]string{"hg", "status", "-n"}, nil); if err != nil { return nil, err } return strings.Split(strings.TrimSpace(out), "\n", 0), nil; } // hgAdd adds name to the repository. func hgAdd(name string) os.Error { _, err := run([]string{"hg", "add", name}, nil); return err; } // hgRemove removes name from the repository. func hgRemove(name string) os.Error { _, err := run([]string{"hg", "rm", name}, nil); return err; } // hgRevert reverts name. func hgRevert(name string) os.Error { _, err := run([]string{"hg", "revert", name}, nil); return err; } // hgCopy copies src to dst in the repository. // Note that the argument order matches io.Copy, not "hg cp". func hgCopy(dst, src string) os.Error { _, err := run([]string{"hg", "cp", src, dst}, nil); return err; } // hgRename renames src to dst in the repository. // Note that the argument order matches io.Copy, not "hg mv". func hgRename(dst, src string) os.Error { _, err := run([]string{"hg", "mv", src, dst}, nil); return err; } func copy(a []string) []string { b := make([]string, len(a)); for i, s := range a { b[i] = s } return b; } var lookPathCache = make(map[string]string) // run runs the command argv, resolving argv[0] if necessary by searching $PATH. // It provides input on standard input to the command. func run(argv []string, input []byte) (out string, err os.Error) { if len(argv) < 1 { err = os.EINVAL; goto Error; } prog, ok := lookPathCache[argv[0]]; if !ok { prog, err = exec.LookPath(argv[0]); if err != nil { goto Error } lookPathCache[argv[0]] = prog; } // fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "%v\n", argv); var cmd *exec.Cmd; if len(input) == 0 { cmd, err = exec.Run(prog, argv, os.Environ(), exec.DevNull, exec.Pipe, exec.MergeWithStdout); if err != nil { goto Error } } else { cmd, err = exec.Run(prog, argv, os.Environ(), exec.Pipe, exec.Pipe, exec.MergeWithStdout); if err != nil { goto Error } go func() { cmd.Stdin.Write(input); cmd.Stdin.Close(); }(); } defer cmd.Close(); var buf bytes.Buffer; _, err = io.Copy(&buf, cmd.Stdout); out = buf.String(); if err != nil { cmd.Wait(0); goto Error; } w, err := cmd.Wait(0); if err != nil { goto Error } if !w.Exited() || w.ExitStatus() != 0 { err = w; goto Error; } return; Error: err = &runError{copy(argv), err}; return; } // A runError represents an error that occurred while running a command. type runError struct { cmd []string; err os.Error; } func (e *runError) String() string { return strings.Join(e.cmd, " ") + ": " + e.err.String() }