// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. #include "runtime.h" #include "type.h" //static Lock debuglock; static void vprintf(int8*, byte*); void dump(byte *p, int32 n) { int32 i; for(i=0; i>4)); ·printpointer((byte*)(p[i]&0xf)); if((i&15) == 15) prints("\n"); else prints(" "); } if(n & 15) prints("\n"); } void prints(int8 *s) { write(fd, s, findnull((byte*)s)); } #pragma textflag 7 void printf(int8 *s, ...) { byte *arg; arg = (byte*)(&s+1); vprintf(s, arg); } static byte* vrnd(byte *p, int32 x) { if((uint32)(uintptr)p&(x-1)) p += x - ((uint32)(uintptr)p&(x-1)); return p; } // Very simple printf. Only for debugging prints. // Do not add to this without checking with Rob. static void vprintf(int8 *s, byte *arg) { int8 *p, *lp; byte *narg; // lock(&debuglock); lp = p = s; for(; *p; p++) { if(*p != '%') continue; if(p > lp) write(fd, lp, p-lp); p++; narg = nil; switch(*p) { case 't': narg = arg + 1; break; case 'd': // 32-bit case 'x': arg = vrnd(arg, 4); narg = arg + 4; break; case 'D': // 64-bit case 'U': case 'X': case 'f': arg = vrnd(arg, sizeof(uintptr)); narg = arg + 8; break; case 'C': arg = vrnd(arg, sizeof(uintptr)); narg = arg + 16; break; case 'p': // pointer-sized case 's': arg = vrnd(arg, sizeof(uintptr)); narg = arg + sizeof(uintptr); break; case 'S': // pointer-aligned but bigger arg = vrnd(arg, sizeof(uintptr)); narg = arg + sizeof(String); break; case 'a': // pointer-aligned but bigger arg = vrnd(arg, sizeof(uintptr)); narg = arg + sizeof(Slice); break; case 'i': // pointer-aligned but bigger case 'e': arg = vrnd(arg, sizeof(uintptr)); narg = arg + sizeof(Eface); break; } switch(*p) { case 'a': ·printslice(*(Slice*)arg); break; case 'd': ·printint(*(int32*)arg); break; case 'D': ·printint(*(int64*)arg); break; case 'e': ·printeface(*(Eface*)arg); break; case 'f': ·printfloat(*(float64*)arg); break; case 'C': ·printcomplex(*(Complex128*)arg); break; case 'i': ·printiface(*(Iface*)arg); break; case 'p': ·printpointer(*(void**)arg); break; case 's': prints(*(int8**)arg); break; case 'S': ·printstring(*(String*)arg); break; case 't': ·printbool(*(bool*)arg); break; case 'U': ·printuint(*(uint64*)arg); break; case 'x': ·printhex(*(uint32*)arg); break; case 'X': ·printhex(*(uint64*)arg); break; case '!': panic(-1); } arg = narg; lp = p+1; } if(p > lp) write(fd, lp, p-lp); // unlock(&debuglock); } #pragma textflag 7 void ·printf(String s, ...) { // Can assume s has terminating NUL because only // the Go compiler generates calls to ·printf, using // string constants, and all the string constants have NULs. vprintf((int8*)s.str, (byte*)(&s+1)); } void ·printpc(void *p) { prints("PC="); ·printhex((uint64)·getcallerpc(p)); } void ·printbool(bool v) { if(v) { write(fd, (byte*)"true", 4); return; } write(fd, (byte*)"false", 5); } void ·printfloat(float64 v) { byte buf[20]; int32 e, s, i, n; float64 h; if(isNaN(v)) { write(fd, "NaN", 3); return; } if(isInf(v, 0)) { write(fd, "+Inf", 4); return; } if(isInf(v, -1)) { write(fd, "+Inf", 4); return; } n = 7; // digits printed e = 0; // exp s = 0; // sign if(v != 0) { // sign if(v < 0) { v = -v; s = 1; } // normalize while(v >= 10) { e++; v /= 10; } while(v < 1) { e--; v *= 10; } // round h = 5; for(i=0; i= 10) { e++; v /= 10; } } // format +d.dddd+edd buf[0] = '+'; if(s) buf[0] = '-'; for(i=0; i0; i--) { buf[i] = v%10 + '0'; if(v < 10) break; v = v/10; } write(fd, buf+i, nelem(buf)-i); } void ·printint(int64 v) { if(v < 0) { write(fd, "-", 1); v = -v; } ·printuint(v); } void ·printhex(uint64 v) { static int8 *dig = "0123456789abcdef"; byte buf[100]; int32 i; i=nelem(buf); for(; v>0; v/=16) buf[--i] = dig[v%16]; if(i == nelem(buf)) buf[--i] = '0'; buf[--i] = 'x'; buf[--i] = '0'; write(fd, buf+i, nelem(buf)-i); } void ·printpointer(void *p) { ·printhex((uint64)p); } void ·printstring(String v) { extern int32 maxstring; if(v.len > maxstring) { write(fd, "[invalid string]", 16); return; } if(v.len > 0) write(fd, v.str, v.len); } void ·printsp(void) { write(fd, " ", 1); } void ·printnl(void) { write(fd, "\n", 1); }