// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. package reflect import ( "io"; "os"; "reflect"; "testing"; "unsafe"; ) type integer int type T struct { a int; b float64; c string; d *int } type pair struct { i interface{}; s string; } func isDigit(c uint8) bool { return '0' <= c && c <= '9' } func assert(t *testing.T, s, want string) { if s != want { t.Errorf("have %#q want %#q", s, want); } } func typestring(i interface{}) string { return Typeof(i).String(); } var typeTests = []pair { pair { struct { x int }{}, "int" }, pair { struct { x int8 }{}, "int8" }, pair { struct { x int16 }{}, "int16" }, pair { struct { x int32 }{}, "int32" }, pair { struct { x int64 }{}, "int64" }, pair { struct { x uint }{}, "uint" }, pair { struct { x uint8 }{}, "uint8" }, pair { struct { x uint16 }{}, "uint16" }, pair { struct { x uint32 }{}, "uint32" }, pair { struct { x uint64 }{}, "uint64" }, pair { struct { x float }{}, "float" }, pair { struct { x float32 }{}, "float32" }, pair { struct { x float64 }{}, "float64" }, pair { struct { x int8 }{}, "int8" }, pair { struct { x (**int8) }{}, "**int8" }, pair { struct { x (**reflect.integer) }{}, "**reflect.integer" }, pair { struct { x ([32]int32) }{}, "[32]int32" }, pair { struct { x ([]int8) }{}, "[]int8" }, pair { struct { x (map[string]int32) }{}, "map[string] int32" }, pair { struct { x (chan<-string) }{}, "chan<- string" }, pair { struct { x struct {c chan *int32; d float32} }{}, "struct { c chan *int32; d float32 }" }, pair { struct { x (func(a int8, b int32)) }{}, "func(int8, int32)" }, pair { struct { x struct {c func(chan *reflect.integer, *int8)} }{}, "struct { c func(chan *reflect.integer, *int8) }" }, pair { struct { x struct {a int8; b int32} }{}, "struct { a int8; b int32 }" }, pair { struct { x struct {a int8; b int8; b int32} }{}, "struct { a int8; b int8; b int32 }" }, pair { struct { x struct {a int8; b int8; c int8; b int32} }{}, "struct { a int8; b int8; c int8; b int32 }" }, pair { struct { x struct {a int8; b int8; c int8; d int8; b int32} }{}, "struct { a int8; b int8; c int8; d int8; b int32 }" }, pair { struct { x struct {a int8; b int8; c int8; d int8; e int8; b int32} }{}, "struct { a int8; b int8; c int8; d int8; e int8; b int32 }" }, pair { struct { x struct {a int8 "hi there"; } }{}, `struct { a int8 "hi there" }` }, pair { struct { x struct {a int8 "hi \x00there\t\n\"\\"; } }{}, `struct { a int8 "hi \x00there\t\n\"\\" }` }, pair { struct { x struct {f func(args ...)} }{}, "struct { f func(...) }" }, pair { struct { x (interface { a(func(func(int)(int))(func(func(int))(int))); b() }) }{}, "interface { a (func(func(int) (int)) (func(func(int)) (int))); b () }" }, } var valueTests = []pair { pair { (int8)(0), "8" }, pair { (int16)(0), "16" }, pair { (int32)(0), "32" }, pair { (int64)(0), "64" }, pair { (uint8)(0), "8" }, pair { (uint16)(0), "16" }, pair { (uint32)(0), "32" }, pair { (uint64)(0), "64" }, pair { (float32)(0), "32.1" }, pair { (float64)(0), "64.2" }, pair { (string)(""), "stringy cheese" }, pair { (bool)(false), "true" }, pair { (*int8)(nil), "*int8(0)" }, pair { (**int8)(nil), "**int8(0)" }, pair { ([5]int32){}, "[5]int32{0, 0, 0, 0, 0}" }, pair { (**reflect.integer)(nil), "**reflect.integer(0)" }, pair { (map[string]int32)(nil), "map[string] int32{}" }, pair { (chan<-string)(nil), "chan<- string" }, pair { (struct {c chan *int32; d float32}){}, "struct { c chan *int32; d float32 }{chan *int32, 0}" }, pair { (func(a int8, b int32))(nil), "func(int8, int32)(0)" }, pair { (struct {c func(chan *reflect.integer, *int8)}){}, "struct { c func(chan *reflect.integer, *int8) }{func(chan *reflect.integer, *int8)(0)}" }, pair { (struct {a int8; b int32}){}, "struct { a int8; b int32 }{0, 0}" }, pair { (struct {a int8; b int8; b int32}){}, "struct { a int8; b int8; b int32 }{0, 0, 0}" }, } func testType(t *testing.T, i int, typ Type, want string) { s := typ.String(); if s != want { t.Errorf("#%d: have %#q, want %#q", i, s, want); } } func TestTypes(t *testing.T) { for i, tt := range typeTests { testType(t, i, NewValue(tt.i).(*StructValue).Field(0).Type(), tt.s); } } func TestValue(t *testing.T) { for i, tt := range valueTests { v := NewValue(tt.i); switch v := v.(type) { case *reflect.IntValue: v.Set(132); case *reflect.Int8Value: v.Set(8); case *reflect.Int16Value: v.Set(16); case *reflect.Int32Value: v.Set(32); case *reflect.Int64Value: v.Set(64); case *reflect.UintValue: v.Set(132); case *reflect.Uint8Value: v.Set(8); case *reflect.Uint16Value: v.Set(16); case *reflect.Uint32Value: v.Set(32); case *reflect.Uint64Value: v.Set(64); case *reflect.FloatValue: v.Set(3200.0); case *reflect.Float32Value: v.Set(32.1); case *reflect.Float64Value: v.Set(64.2); case *reflect.StringValue: v.Set("stringy cheese"); case *reflect.BoolValue: v.Set(true); } s := valueToString(v); if s != tt.s { t.Errorf("#%d: have %#q, want %#q", i, s, tt.s); } } } var _i = 7; var valueToStringTests = []pair { pair { 123, "123" }, pair { 123.4, "123.4" }, pair { byte(123), "123" }, pair { "abc", "abc" }, pair { T{123, 456.75, "hello", &_i}, "reflect.T{123, 456.75, hello, *int(&7)}" }, pair { new(chan *T), "*chan *reflect.T(&chan *reflect.T)" }, pair { [10]int{1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10}, "[10]int{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10}" }, pair { &[10]int{1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10}, "*[10]int(&[10]int{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10})" }, pair { []int{1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10}, "[]int{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10}" }, pair { &[]int{1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10}, "*[]int(&[]int{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10})" } } func TestValueToString(t *testing.T) { for i, test := range valueToStringTests { s := valueToString(NewValue(test.i)); if s != test.s { t.Errorf("#%d: have %#q, want %#q", i, s, test.s); } } } func TestArrayElemSet(t *testing.T) { v := NewValue([10]int{1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10}); v.(*ArrayValue).Elem(4).(*IntValue).Set(123); s := valueToString(v); const want = "[10]int{1, 2, 3, 4, 123, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10}"; if s != want { t.Errorf("[10]int: have %#q want %#q", s, want); } v = NewValue([]int{1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10}); v.(*SliceValue).Elem(4).(*IntValue).Set(123); s = valueToString(v); const want1 = "[]int{1, 2, 3, 4, 123, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10}"; if s != want1 { t.Errorf("[]int: have %#q want %#q", s, want1); } } func TestPtrPointTo(t *testing.T) { var ip *int32; var i int32 = 1234; vip := NewValue(&ip); vi := NewValue(i); vip.(*PtrValue).Elem().(*PtrValue).PointTo(vi); if *ip != 1234 { t.Errorf("got %d, want 1234", *ip); } } func TestAll(t *testing.T) { // TODO(r): wrap up better testType(t, 1, Typeof((int8)(0)), "int8"); testType(t, 2, Typeof((*int8)(nil)).(*PtrType).Elem(), "int8"); typ := Typeof((*struct{c chan *int32; d float32})(nil)); testType(t, 3, typ, "*struct { c chan *int32; d float32 }"); etyp := typ.(*PtrType).Elem(); testType(t, 4, etyp, "struct { c chan *int32; d float32 }"); styp := etyp.(*StructType); f := styp.Field(0); testType(t, 5, f.Type, "chan *int32"); f = styp.Field(1); testType(t, 6, f.Type, "float32"); typ = Typeof(([32]int32)(nil)); testType(t, 7, typ, "[32]int32"); testType(t, 8, typ.(*ArrayType).Elem(), "int32"); typ = Typeof((map[string]*int32)(nil)); testType(t, 9, typ, "map[string] *int32"); mtyp := typ.(*MapType); testType(t, 10, mtyp.Key(), "string"); testType(t, 11, mtyp.Elem(), "*int32"); typ = Typeof((chan<-string)(nil)); testType(t, 12, typ, "chan<- string"); testType(t, 13, typ.(*ChanType).Elem(), "string"); // make sure tag strings are not part of element type typ = Typeof(struct{d []uint32 "TAG"}{}).(*StructType).Field(0).Type; testType(t, 14, typ, "[]uint32"); } func TestInterfaceGet(t *testing.T) { var inter struct { e interface{ } }; inter.e = 123.456; v1 := NewValue(&inter); v2 := v1.(*PtrValue).Elem().(*StructValue).Field(0); assert(t, v2.Type().String(), "interface { }"); i2 := v2.(*InterfaceValue).Interface(); v3 := NewValue(i2); assert(t, v3.Type().String(), "float"); } func TestInterfaceValue(t *testing.T) { var inter struct { e interface{ } }; inter.e = 123.456; v1 := NewValue(&inter); v2 := v1.(*PtrValue).Elem().(*StructValue).Field(0); assert(t, v2.Type().String(), "interface { }"); v3 := v2.(*InterfaceValue).Elem(); assert(t, v3.Type().String(), "float"); i3 := v2.Interface(); if f, ok := i3.(float); !ok { t.Error("v2.Interface() did not return float, got ", Typeof(i3)); } } func TestFunctionValue(t *testing.T) { v := NewValue(func() {}); if v.Interface() != v.Interface() { t.Fatalf("TestFunction != itself"); } assert(t, v.Type().String(), "func()"); } func TestCopyArray(t *testing.T) { a := []int{ 1, 2, 3, 4, 10, 9, 8, 7 }; b := []int{ 11, 22, 33, 44, 1010, 99, 88, 77, 66, 55, 44 }; c := []int{ 11, 22, 33, 44, 1010, 99, 88, 77, 66, 55, 44 }; va := NewValue(&a); vb := NewValue(&b); for i := 0; i < len(b); i++ { if b[i] != c[i] { t.Fatalf("b != c before test"); } } aa := va.(*PtrValue).Elem().(*SliceValue); ab := vb.(*PtrValue).Elem().(*SliceValue); for tocopy := 1; tocopy <= 7; tocopy++ { aa.SetLen(tocopy); ArrayCopy(ab, aa); aa.SetLen(8); for i := 0; i < tocopy; i++ { if a[i] != b[i] { t.Errorf("(i) tocopy=%d a[%d]=%d, b[%d]=%d", tocopy, i, a[i], i, b[i]); } } for i := tocopy; i < len(b); i++ { if b[i] != c[i] { if i < len(a) { t.Errorf("(ii) tocopy=%d a[%d]=%d, b[%d]=%d, c[%d]=%d", tocopy, i, a[i], i, b[i], i, c[i]); } else { t.Errorf("(iii) tocopy=%d b[%d]=%d, c[%d]=%d", tocopy, i, b[i], i, c[i]); } } else { t.Logf("tocopy=%d elem %d is okay\n", tocopy, i); } } } } func TestBigUnnamedStruct(t *testing.T) { b := struct{a,b,c,d int64}{1, 2, 3, 4}; v := NewValue(b); b1 := v.Interface().(struct{a,b,c,d int64}); if b1.a != b.a || b1.b != b.b || b1.c != b.c || b1.d != b.d { t.Errorf("NewValue(%v).Interface().(*Big) = %v", b, b1); } } type big struct { a, b, c, d, e int64 } func TestBigStruct(t *testing.T) { b := big{1, 2, 3, 4, 5}; v := NewValue(b); b1 := v.Interface().(big); if b1.a != b.a || b1.b != b.b || b1.c != b.c || b1.d != b.d || b1.e != b.e { t.Errorf("NewValue(%v).Interface().(big) = %v", b, b1); } } type Basic struct { x int; y float32 } type NotBasic Basic type Recursive struct { x int; r *Recursive } type Complex struct { a int; b [3]*Complex; c *string; d map[float]float } type DeepEqualTest struct { a, b interface{}; eq bool; } var deepEqualTests = []DeepEqualTest { // Equalities DeepEqualTest{ 1, 1, true }, DeepEqualTest{ int32(1), int32(1), true }, DeepEqualTest{ 0.5, 0.5, true }, DeepEqualTest{ float32(0.5), float32(0.5), true }, DeepEqualTest{ "hello", "hello", true }, DeepEqualTest{ make([]int, 10), make([]int, 10), true }, DeepEqualTest{ &[3]int{ 1, 2, 3 }, &[3]int{ 1, 2, 3 }, true }, DeepEqualTest{ Basic{ 1, 0.5 }, Basic{ 1, 0.5 }, true }, DeepEqualTest{ os.Error(nil), os.Error(nil), true }, // Inequalities DeepEqualTest{ 1, 2, false }, DeepEqualTest{ int32(1), int32(2), false }, DeepEqualTest{ 0.5, 0.6, false }, DeepEqualTest{ float32(0.5), float32(0.6), false }, DeepEqualTest{ "hello", "hey", false }, DeepEqualTest{ make([]int, 10), make([]int, 11), false }, DeepEqualTest{ &[3]int{ 1, 2, 3 }, &[3]int{ 1, 2, 4 }, false }, DeepEqualTest{ Basic{ 1, 0.5 }, Basic{ 1, 0.6 }, false }, DeepEqualTest{ Basic{ 1, 0 }, Basic{ 2, 0 }, false }, // Mismatched types DeepEqualTest{ 1, 1.0, false }, DeepEqualTest{ int32(1), int64(1), false }, DeepEqualTest{ 0.5, "hello", false }, DeepEqualTest{ []int{ 1, 2, 3 }, [3]int{ 1, 2, 3 }, false }, DeepEqualTest{ &[3]interface{} { 1, 2, 4 }, &[3]interface{} { 1, 2, "s" }, false }, DeepEqualTest{ Basic{ 1, 0.5 }, NotBasic{ 1, 0.5 }, false }, } func TestDeepEqual(t *testing.T) { for i, test := range deepEqualTests { if r := DeepEqual(test.a, test.b); r != test.eq { t.Errorf("DeepEqual(%v, %v) = %v, want %v", test.a, test.b, r, test.eq); } } } func TestTypeof(t *testing.T) { for i, test := range deepEqualTests { v := NewValue(test.a); if v == nil { continue; } typ := Typeof(test.a); if typ != v.Type() { t.Errorf("Typeof(%v) = %v, but NewValue(%v).Type() = %v", test.a, typ, test.a, v.Type()); } } } func TestDeepEqualRecursiveStruct(t *testing.T) { a, b := new(Recursive), new(Recursive); *a = Recursive{ 12, a }; *b = Recursive{ 12, b }; if !DeepEqual(a, b) { t.Error("DeepEqual(recursive same) = false, want true"); } } func TestDeepEqualComplexStruct(t *testing.T) { m := make(map[float]float); stra, strb := "hello", "hello"; a, b := new(Complex), new(Complex); *a = Complex{5, [3]*Complex{a, b, a}, &stra, m}; *b = Complex{5, [3]*Complex{b, a, a}, &strb, m}; if !DeepEqual(a, b) { t.Error("DeepEqual(complex same) = false, want true"); } } func TestDeepEqualComplexStructInequality(t *testing.T) { m := make(map[float]float); stra, strb := "hello", "helloo"; // Difference is here a, b := new(Complex), new(Complex); *a = Complex{5, [3]*Complex{a, b, a}, &stra, m}; *b = Complex{5, [3]*Complex{b, a, a}, &strb, m}; if DeepEqual(a, b) { t.Error("DeepEqual(complex different) = true, want false"); } } func check2ndField(x interface{}, offs uintptr, t *testing.T) { s := NewValue(x).(*StructValue); f := s.Type().(*StructType).Field(1); if f.Offset != offs { t.Error("mismatched offsets in structure alignment:", f.Offset, offs); } } // Check that structure alignment & offsets viewed through reflect agree with those // from the compiler itself. func TestAlignment(t *testing.T) { type T1inner struct { a int } type T1 struct { T1inner; f int; } type T2inner struct { a, b int } type T2 struct { T2inner; f int; } x := T1{T1inner{2}, 17}; check2ndField(x, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&x.f)) - uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&x)), t); x1 := T2{T2inner{2, 3}, 17}; check2ndField(x1, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&x1.f)) - uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&x1)), t); } type IsNiller interface { IsNil() bool } func Nil(a interface{}, t *testing.T) { n := NewValue(a).(*StructValue).Field(0).(IsNiller); if !n.IsNil() { t.Errorf("%v should be nil", a) } } func NotNil(a interface{}, t *testing.T) { n := NewValue(a).(*StructValue).Field(0).(IsNiller); if n.IsNil() { t.Errorf("value of type %v should not be nil", NewValue(a).Type().String()) } } func TestIsNil(t *testing.T) { // These do not implement IsNil doNotNil := []interface{}{ int(0), float32(0), struct{a int}{} }; for i, ts := range doNotNil { ty := Typeof(ts); v := MakeZero(ty); if nilable, ok := v.(IsNiller); ok { t.Errorf("%s is nilable; should not be", ts) } } // These do implement IsNil. // Wrap in extra struct to hide interface type. doNil := []interface{}{ struct{x *int}{}, struct{x interface{}}{}, struct{x map[string]int}{}, struct{x func()bool}{}, struct{x chan int}{}, struct{x []string}{} }; for i, ts := range doNil { ty := Typeof(ts).(*StructType).Field(0).Type; v := MakeZero(ty); if nilable, ok := v.(IsNiller); !ok { t.Errorf("%s %T is not nilable; should be", ts, v) } } // Check the implementations var pi struct {x *int} Nil(pi, t); pi.x = new(int); NotNil(pi, t); var si struct {x []int} Nil(si, t); si.x = make([]int, 10); NotNil(si, t); var ci struct {x chan int} Nil(ci, t); ci.x = make(chan int); NotNil(ci, t); var mi struct {x map[int]int} Nil(mi, t); mi.x = make(map[int]int); NotNil(mi, t); var ii struct {x interface {}} Nil(ii, t); ii.x = 2; NotNil(ii, t); var fi struct {x func(t *testing.T)} Nil(fi, t); fi.x = TestIsNil; NotNil(fi, t); } func TestInterfaceExtraction(t *testing.T) { var s struct { w io.Writer; } s.w = os.Stdout; v := Indirect(NewValue(&s)).(*StructValue).Field(0).Interface(); if v != s.w.(interface{}) { t.Errorf("Interface() on interface: ", v, s.w); } } func TestInterfaceEditing(t *testing.T) { // strings are bigger than one word, // so the interface conversion allocates // memory to hold a string and puts that // pointer in the interface. var i interface{} = "hello"; // if i pass the interface value by value // to NewValue, i should get a fresh copy // of the value. v := NewValue(i); // and setting that copy to "bye" should // not change the value stored in i. v.(*StringValue).Set("bye"); if i.(string) != "hello" { t.Errorf(`Set("bye") changed i to %s`, i.(string)); } // the same should be true of smaller items. i = 123; v = NewValue(i); v.(*IntValue).Set(234); if i.(int) != 123 { t.Errorf("Set(234) changed i to %d", i.(int)); } } func TestNilPtrValueSub(t *testing.T) { var pi *int; if pv := NewValue(pi).(*PtrValue); pv.Elem() != nil { t.Error("NewValue((*int)(nil)).(*PtrValue).Elem() != nil"); } }