DRAFT RELEASE NOTES — Introduction to Go 1.19

Go 1.19 is not yet released. These are work-in-progress release notes. Go 1.19 is expected to be released in August 2022.

Changes to the language

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TODO: complete this section, or delete if not needed

Go command

TODO: https://go.dev/cl/398058: cmd/go: quote fragments in CGO_ env variables reported by 'go env'

TODO: complete this section.

The -trimpath flag, if set, is now included in the build settings stamped into Go binaries by go build, and can be examined using go version -m or debug.ReadBuildInfo.

go generate now sets the GOROOT environment variable explicitly in the generator's environment, so that generators can locate the correct GOROOT even if built with -trimpath.

New unix build constraint

The build constraint unix is now recognized in //go:build lines. The constraint is satisfied if the target operating system, also known as GOOS, is a Unix or Unix-like system. For the 1.19 release it is satisfied if GOOS is one of aix, android, darwin, dragonfly, freebsd, hurd, illumos, ios, linux, netbsd, openbsd, or solaris. In future releases the unix constraint may match additional newly supported operating systems.


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The compiler now uses a jump table to implement large integer and string switch statements. Performance improvements for the switch statement vary but can be on the order of 20% faster. (GOARCH=amd64 and GOARCH=arm64 only)

TODO: https://go.dev/cl/402374: enable regabi on riscv64 by default

TODO: https://go.dev/cl/391014: The Go compiler now requires the -p=importpath flag, which is already supplied by the go command and by Bazel. Any other build systems that invoke the Go compiler directly will need to make sure they pass this flag as well in order to use Go 1.19.: cmd/compile: require -p flag

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Core library

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Minor changes to the library

As always, there are various minor changes and updates to the library, made with the Go 1 promise of compatibility in mind.

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TODO: https://go.dev/cl/387976: permit zip files to have prefixes


TODO: https://go.dev/cl/370894: batch and buffer calls to getrandom/getentropy

TODO: https://go.dev/cl/375215: use fast key erasure RNG on plan9 instead of ANSI X9.31

TODO: https://go.dev/cl/390038: remove all buffering


The tls10default GODEBUG option has been removed. It is still possible to enable TLS 1.0 client-side by setting Config.MinVersion.


TODO: https://go.dev/cl/285872: disable signing with MD5WithRSA


TODO: https://go.dev/cl/386017: add AppendByteOrder


TODO: https://go.dev/cl/405675: add Reader.InputOffset method


TODO: https://go.dev/cl/313329: add TextVar function


TODO: https://go.dev/cl/406177: add Append, Appendln, Appendf


TODO: https://go.dev/cl/403696: parser to accept ~x as unary expression


TODO: https://go.dev/cl/392134: ssh: add IUTF8 constant from RFC 8160


Draw with the Src operator preserves non-premultiplied-alpha colors when destination and source images are both *image.NRGBA (or both *image.NRGBA64). This reverts a behavior change accidentally introduced by a Go 1.18 library optimization, to match the behavior in Go 1.17 and earlier.


TODO: https://go.dev/cl/396215: add an Err field to LimitedReader

TODO: https://go.dev/cl/400236: NopCloser forward WriterTo implementations if the reader supports it


The pure Go resolver will now use EDNS(0) to include a suggested maximum reply packet length, permitting reply packets to contain up to 1232 bytes (the previous maximum was 512). In the unlikely event that this causes problems with a local DNS resolver, setting the environment variable GODEBUG=netdns=cgo to use the cgo-based resolver should work. Please report any such problems on the issue tracker.

When a net package function or method returns an "I/O timeout" error, the error will now satisfy errors.Is(err, context.DeadlineExceeded). When a net package function returns an "operation was canceled" error, the error will now satisfy errors.Is(err, context.Canceled). These changes are intended to make it easier for code to test for cases in which a context cancellation or timeout causes a net package function or method to return an error, while preserving backward compatibility for error messages.

TODO: https://go.dev/cl/400654: permit use of Resolver.PreferGo, netgo on Windows and Plan 9


TODO: https://go.dev/cl/269997: allow sending 1xx responses


TODO: https://go.dev/cl/374654: add JoinPath, URL.JoinPath


TODO: https://go.dev/cl/392415: raise open file rlimit at startup


An exec.Cmd with a non-empty Dir and a nil Env now implicitly sets the PWD environment variable for the subprocess to match Dir.

The new method (*exec.Cmd).Environ reports the environment that would be used to run the command, including the aforementioned PWD variable.


SliceHeader and StringHeader are now deprecated, and their use should be avoided.

TODO: https://go.dev/cl/357331: allow Value.Bytes on addressable byte arrays

TODO: https://go.dev/cl/400954: support Len and Cap on pointer-to-array Value


The GOROOT function now returns the empty string (instead of "go") when the binary was built with the -trimpath flag set and the GOROOT variable is not set in the process environment.

TODO: https://go.dev/cl/333529: update runtime (v3)


The race detector has been updgraded to use thread sanitizer version v3.


TODO: https://go.dev/cl/371574: use pdqsort


strconv.Quote and related functions now quote the rune 007F as \x7f, not \u007f.


TODO: https://go.dev/cl/393515: add Duration.Abs