// run // Copyright 2010 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. // http://golang.org/issue/807 package main type Point struct { X, Y int64 } type Rect struct { Min, Max Point } func (p Point) Sub(q Point) Point { return Point{p.X-q.X, p.Y-q.Y} } type Obj struct { bbox Rect } func (o *Obj) Bbox() Rect { return o.bbox } func (o *Obj) Points() [2]Point{ return [2]Point{o.bbox.Min, o.bbox.Max} } var x = 0 func main() { o := &Obj{Rect{Point{800, 0}, Point{}}} p := Point{800, 300} q := p.Sub(o.Bbox().Min) if q.X != 0 || q.Y != 300 { println("BUG dot: ", q.X, q.Y) return } q = p.Sub(o.Points()[0]) if q.X != 0 || q.Y != 300 { println("BUG index const: ", q.X, q.Y) } q = p.Sub(o.Points()[x]) if q.X != 0 || q.Y != 300 { println("BUG index var: ", q.X, q.Y) } }