// Copyright 2012 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. // opts is an object with these keys // codeEl - code editor element // outputEl - program output element // runEl - run button element // fmtEl - fmt button element (optional) // shareEl - share button element (optional) // shareURLEl - share URL text input element (optional) // shareRedirect - base URL to redirect to on share (optional) // toysEl - toys select element (optional) // enableHistory - enable using HTML5 history API (optional) function playground(opts) { var code = $(opts['codeEl']); // autoindent helpers. function insertTabs(n) { // find the selection start and end var start = code[0].selectionStart; var end = code[0].selectionEnd; // split the textarea content into two, and insert n tabs var v = code[0].value; var u = v.substr(0, start); for (var i=0; i 0) { curpos--; if (el.value[curpos] == "\t") { tabs++; } else if (tabs > 0 || el.value[curpos] == "\n") { break; } } setTimeout(function() { insertTabs(tabs); }, 1); } function keyHandler(e) { if (e.keyCode == 9) { // tab insertTabs(1); e.preventDefault(); return false; } if (e.keyCode == 13) { // enter if (e.shiftKey) { // +shift run(); e.preventDefault(); return false; } else { autoindent(e.target); } } return true; } code.unbind('keydown').bind('keydown', keyHandler); var output = $(opts['outputEl']); function body() { return $(opts['codeEl']).val(); } function setBody(text) { $(opts['codeEl']).val(text); } function origin(href) { return (""+href).split("/").slice(0, 3).join("/"); } function loading() { output.removeClass("error").html( '
Waiting for remote server...
' ); } var playbackTimeout; function playback(pre, events) { function show(msg) { // ^L clears the screen. var msgs = msg.split("\x0c"); if (msgs.length == 1) { pre.text(pre.text() + msg); return; } pre.text(msgs.pop()); } function next() { if (events.length == 0) { var exit = $(''); exit.text("\nProgram exited."); exit.appendTo(pre); return; } var e = events.shift(); if (e.Delay == 0) { show(e.Message); next(); } else { playbackTimeout = setTimeout(function() { show(e.Message); next(); }, e.Delay / 1000000); } } next(); } function stopPlayback() { clearTimeout(playbackTimeout); } function setOutput(events, error) { stopPlayback(); output.empty(); $(".lineerror").removeClass("lineerror"); // Display errors. if (error) { output.addClass("error"); var regex = /prog.go:([0-9]+)/g; var r; while (r = regex.exec(error)) { $(".lines div").eq(r[1]-1).addClass("lineerror"); } $("

		// Display image output.
		if (events.length > 0 && events[0].Message.indexOf("IMAGE:") == 0) {
			var out = "";
			for (var i = 0; i < events.length; i++) {
				out += events[i].Message;
			var url = "data:image/png;base64," + out.substr(6);
			$("").attr("src", url).appendTo(output);

		// Play back events.
		if (events !== null) {
			var pre = $("
			playback(pre, events);

	var pushedEmpty = (window.location.pathname == "/");
	function inputChanged() {
		if (pushedEmpty) {
		pushedEmpty = true;

		window.history.pushState(null, "", "/");

	function popState(e) {
		if (e == null) {

		if (e && e.state && e.state.code) {

	var rewriteHistory = false;

	if (window.history &&
		window.history.pushState &&
		window.addEventListener &&
		opts['enableHistory']) {
		rewriteHistory = true;
		code[0].addEventListener('input', inputChanged);
		window.addEventListener('popstate', popState)

	var seq = 0;
	function run() {
		var cur = seq;
		var data = {
			"version": 2,
			"body": body()
		$.ajax("/compile", {
			data: data,
			type: "POST",
			dataType: "json",
			success: function(data) {
				if (seq != cur) {
				if (!data) {
				if (data.Errors) {
					setOutput(null, data.Errors);
				setOutput(data.Events, false);
			error: function() {
					"Error communicating with remote server."

	$(opts['fmtEl']).click(function() {
		$.ajax("/fmt", {
			data: {"body": body()},
			type: "POST",
			dataType: "json",
			success: function(data) {
				if (data.Error) {
					setOutput(null, data.Error);

	if (opts['shareEl'] != null && (opts['shareURLEl'] != null || opts['shareRedirect'] != null)) {
		var shareURL;
		if (opts['shareURLEl']) {
			shareURL = $(opts['shareURLEl']).hide();
		var sharing = false;
		$(opts['shareEl']).click(function() {
			if (sharing) return;
			sharing = true;
			var sharingData = body();
			$.ajax("/share", {
				processData: false,
				data: sharingData,
				type: "POST",
				complete: function(xhr) {
					sharing = false;
					if (xhr.status != 200) {
						alert("Server error; try again.");
					if (opts['shareRedirect']) {
						window.location = opts['shareRedirect'] + xhr.responseText;
					if (shareURL) {
						var path = "/p/" + xhr.responseText
						var url = origin(window.location) + path;

						if (rewriteHistory) {
							var historyData = {
								"code": sharingData,
							window.history.pushState(historyData, "", path);
							pushedEmpty = false;

	if (opts['toysEl'] != null) {
		$(opts['toysEl']).bind('change', function() {
			var toy = $(this).val();
			$.ajax("/doc/play/"+toy, {
				processData: false,
				type: "GET",
				complete: function(xhr) {
					if (xhr.status != 200) {
						alert("Server error; try again.")