Rather than updating the stripped-down regexp implementation embedded
in testing, delete it by passing the one function we need from the package
main file created by gotest.
parsing and printing to new syntax.
Use -oldparser to parse the old syntax,
use -oldprinter to print the old syntax.
2) Change default gofmt formatting settings
to use tabs for indentation only and to use
spaces for alignment. This will make the code
alignment insensitive to an editor's tabwidth.
Use -spaces=false to use tabs for alignment.
3) Manually changed src/exp/parser/parser_test.go
so that it doesn't try to parse the parser's
source files using the old syntax (they have
new syntax now).
4) gofmt -w src misc test/bench
5th and last set of files.
No benchmarks are run unless the --benchmarks=<regexp> flag
is specified on the gotest command line. This change includes
sample benchmarks for regexp.
% gotest --benchmarks=.*
(standard test output redacted)
testing.BenchmarkSimpleMatch 200000 7799 ns/op
testing.BenchmarkUngroupedMatch 20000 76898 ns/op
testing.BenchmarkGroupedMatch 50000 38148 ns/op
R=r, rsc