changeset: 6839:545c9926d61a
user: Robert Griesemer <>
date: Mon Dec 06 14:23:18 2010 -0800
summary: go/ast: use token.Pos instead of token.Position; adjust all dependent code
broke 'godoc -src fmt', one of the example uses of godoc. It gives a stack backtrace essentially
caused by dereferencing a NULL pointer (in C terms). This change fixes the particular issue, but
the code probably should be made more robust.
- improved search result page
- clicking on files shows highlighted search phrase
(.go files loose their godoc-specific formatting and
highlighting in this mode - a better solution is in
the works)
- support for textual results
- fixed bug with non-URL escaped URL parameter (Query)
R=rsc, adg
To enable use -fulltext flag; e.g.: godoc -v -fulltext -http=:7777
Enabling the fulltext index will use significantly more memory as
the text of all source code, the respective suffixarray, and the
file set data structure is kept in memory. At the moment there is
about 6Mb of source code (~1400 files) indexed under GOROOT.
Source code + suffix array together consume 5*(size of source) or
about 30Mb. The file set data structure consumes about 4b/src line.
By default only up to 5000 results are shown for now.
The presentation of the results needs tuning. In particular,
if a string is found, clicking on the respective file does not
highlight them, yet.
At the moment, only Go source files are indexed. Eventually,
the full text index should encompass other files as well.
R=rsc, adg
* lib/godoc:
- provide file set (FSet) argument to formatters where needed
* src/cmd:
- cgo, ebnflint, godoc, gofmt, goinstall: provide file set (fset) where needed
- godoc: remove local binary search with sort.Search (change by rsc),
extract file set for formatters
* src/pkg:
- exp/eval: remove embedded token.Position fields from nodes and replace
with named token.Pos fields; add corresponding Pos() accessor methods
- go/token: added file.Line(), changed signature of File.Position()
* test/fixedbugs/:
- bug206.go: change test to not rely on token.Pos details
* added various extra comments
* Runs all.bash
* gofmt formats all of src, misc w/o changes
* godoc runs
* performance:
- The new version of godoc consumes about the same space after indexing
has completed, but indexing is half the speed. Significant space savings
are expected from smaller ASTs, but since they are thrown away after a
file has been indexed, this is not visible anymore. The slower indexing
time is due to the much more expensive computation of line information.
However, with the new compressed position information, indexing can be
rewritten and simplified. Furthermore, computing the line info can be
done more efficiently.
New godoc, immediately after indexing completed (best of three runs):
44381 godoc 0.0% 0:38.00 4 19 149 145M 184K 148M 176M
2010/12/03 17:58:35 index updated (39.231s, 18505 unique words, 386387 spots)
2010/12/03 17:58:35 bytes=90858456 footprint=199182584
2010/12/03 17:58:36 bytes=47858568 footprint=167295224
Old godoc, immediately after indexing completed (best of three runs):
23167 godoc 0.0% 0:22.02 4 17 132 129M 184K 132M 173M
2010/12/03 14:51:32 index updated (24.892s, 18765 unique words, 393830 spots)
2010/12/03 14:51:32 bytes=66404528 footprint=163907832
2010/12/03 14:51:32 bytes=46282224 footprint=163907832
The different numbers for unique words/spots stem from the fact the the
two workspaces are not exactly identical. The new godoc maintains a large
file set data structure during indexing which (probably) is the reason
for the larger heap (90858456 vs 66404528) before garbage collection.
R=rsc, r
The front page remains fixed-width.
All other pages should look good in windows >=500px wide.
Includes additional styles for search result highlighting,
code comments, and general CSS clean-ups.
Tested with Chrome 6, Firefox 3.6, IE 7, and IE 8.
R=gri, r
- change ast.Ident back to contain the name and adjust all dependent code
- identifier object information will be added again through an optional
typechecker phase (in the works).
- remove tracking of scopes in parser - it's easier to do this in a separate
phase (in the works)
- in godoc, generate popup info table directly instead of through a formatter
for simpler data flow (at the expense of a little bit more code)
Runs all tests.
As a result of this change, the currently shown popup information
(const, var, type, func, followed by identifier name) will not be
shown anymore temporarily.
This is a stop-gap change to give more current information visibility
before a more thorough reorganization.
R=r, rsc, gri
- change the various url-xxx formatters to return a relative URL path
- make the leading '/' for URLs explicit in the template
- on the way change some |html formatters to |html-esc
(html should only be used for formatting AST nodes)
R=rsc, r
Instead of returning the index lookup result via
RPC which has to be corrected for the client,
simply render it on the server and return the
final output.
R=rsc, r
The command-line search is using a running webserver
as index server; i.e., the search result is reflecting
the index at the server. See the documentation for
Usage: godoc -q query1 query2 ...
Known issue: Results don't show the all-important
line numbers yet due to the way the index is organized.
Next CL.
R=rsc, r
for identifiers in Go source code
- at the moment just show identifier kind (var, func, etc.) and name
(eventually should show declaration, type, etc.)
- JavaScript parts by adg
CC=adg, golang-dev
- on the commandline: godoc -x big
- in a webpage: provide form parameter ?m=src
Known issues:
- Positioning of comments incorrect in several cases. Separate CL.
- Need a link/menu to switch between different modes of presentation
in the web view.
Example use: godoc -path=/home/user1:/home/build/foo -http=:6666
will start a local godoc that maps urls starting with /pkg/user1 or
/pkg/foo to the respective roots specified in the path.
Missing: Handling of overlapping package directories, multiple
packages per directory.
- simplified dealing with parse errors: no need to intersperse them in the source
- improve visibility of highlighted identifiers by showing them in bold
- When providing alternative spellings to a query, do not
prefix it with a package qualifier as the suggestion may
not have any results. Correctly filtering is quite a bit
of work, and clicking the alternative spelling will always
also show the qualified hits if they exist (but also others).
Seems good enough for now.
- Give user feedback when the query syntax was wrong.
- Package names in search results are now links to the respective
package documentation.
- Experimented with excluding main packages and test files
from index with inconclusive results. Code is present and
can be enabled by changing a flag in the source. This needs
some more work.
CC=r, dsymonds
- introduced a new run per file containing all spots belonging
to the same kind (e.g. var decl, const decl, etc.)
- more comments, better index.go file organization
(this was surprisingly hard to get right in HTML)
- show modification times in source directory listings
- various tweaks