Unfortunate sequence of events is:
1. maxcpu=2, mcpu=1, grunning=1
2. starttheworld creates an extra M:
maxcpu=2, mcpu=2, grunning=1
4. the goroutine calls runtime.GOMAXPROCS(1)
maxcpu=1, mcpu=2, grunning=1
5. since it sees mcpu>maxcpu, it calls gosched()
6. schedule() deschedules the goroutine:
maxcpu=1, mcpu=1, grunning=0
7. schedule() call getnextandunlock() which
fails to pick up the goroutine again,
because canaddcpu() fails, because mcpu==maxcpu
8. then it sees that grunning==0,
reports deadlock and terminates
R=golang-dev, rsc