mirror of https://github.com/golang/go synced 2024-09-28 16:14:28 -06:00

exp/template/html: tighten rules on dynamic attr names.

This commit is contained in:
Mike Samuel 2011-09-23 09:25:10 -07:00
parent 481e619c50
commit 967d68c00a
6 changed files with 253 additions and 31 deletions

View File

@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ include ../../../../Make.inc

View File

@ -0,0 +1,184 @@
// Copyright 2011 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package html
// attrType[n] describes the value of the given attribute.
// If an attribute affects (or can mask) the encoding or interpretation of
// other content, or affects the contents, idempotency, or credentials of a
// network message, then the value in this map is contentTypeUnsafe.
// This map is derived from HTML5, specifically
// http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/Overview.html#attributes-1 and
// http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/Overview.html#event-handlers-on-elements-document-objects-and-window-objects
// as well as "%URI"-typed attributes from
// http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/index/attributes.html
var attrType = map[string]contentType{
"accept": contentTypePlain,
"accept-charset": contentTypeUnsafe,
"action": contentTypeURL,
"alt": contentTypePlain,
"archive": contentTypeURL,
"async": contentTypeUnsafe,
"autocomplete": contentTypePlain,
"autofocus": contentTypePlain,
"autoplay": contentTypePlain,
"background": contentTypeURL,
"border": contentTypePlain,
"checked": contentTypePlain,
"cite": contentTypeURL,
"challenge": contentTypeUnsafe,
"charset": contentTypeUnsafe,
"class": contentTypePlain,
"classid": contentTypeURL,
"codebase": contentTypeURL,
"cols": contentTypePlain,
"colspan": contentTypePlain,
"content": contentTypeUnsafe,
"contenteditable": contentTypePlain,
"contextmenu": contentTypePlain,
"controls": contentTypePlain,
"coords": contentTypePlain,
"crossorigin": contentTypeUnsafe,
"data": contentTypeURL,
"datetime": contentTypePlain,
"default": contentTypePlain,
"defer": contentTypeUnsafe,
"dir": contentTypePlain,
"dirname": contentTypePlain,
"disabled": contentTypePlain,
"draggable": contentTypePlain,
"dropzone": contentTypePlain,
"enctype": contentTypeUnsafe,
"for": contentTypePlain,
"form": contentTypeUnsafe,
"formaction": contentTypeURL,
"formenctype": contentTypeUnsafe,
"formmethod": contentTypeUnsafe,
"formnovalidate": contentTypeUnsafe,
"formtarget": contentTypePlain,
"headers": contentTypePlain,
"height": contentTypePlain,
"hidden": contentTypePlain,
"high": contentTypePlain,
"href": contentTypeURL,
"hreflang": contentTypePlain,
"http-equiv": contentTypeUnsafe,
"icon": contentTypeURL,
"id": contentTypePlain,
"ismap": contentTypePlain,
"keytype": contentTypeUnsafe,
"kind": contentTypePlain,
"label": contentTypePlain,
"lang": contentTypePlain,
"language": contentTypeUnsafe,
"list": contentTypePlain,
"longdesc": contentTypeURL,
"loop": contentTypePlain,
"low": contentTypePlain,
"manifest": contentTypeURL,
"max": contentTypePlain,
"maxlength": contentTypePlain,
"media": contentTypePlain,
"mediagroup": contentTypePlain,
"method": contentTypeUnsafe,
"min": contentTypePlain,
"multiple": contentTypePlain,
"name": contentTypePlain,
"novalidate": contentTypeUnsafe,
"onabort": contentTypeJS,
"onblur": contentTypeJS,
"oncanplay": contentTypeJS,
"oncanplaythrough": contentTypeJS,
"onchange": contentTypeJS,
"onclick": contentTypeJS,
"oncontextmenu": contentTypeJS,
"oncuechange": contentTypeJS,
"ondblclick": contentTypeJS,
"ondrag": contentTypeJS,
"ondragend": contentTypeJS,
"ondragenter": contentTypeJS,
"ondragleave": contentTypeJS,
"ondragover": contentTypeJS,
"ondragstart": contentTypeJS,
"ondrop": contentTypeJS,
"ondurationchange": contentTypeJS,
"onemptied": contentTypeJS,
"onended": contentTypeJS,
"onerror": contentTypeJS,
"onfocus": contentTypeJS,
"oninput": contentTypeJS,
"oninvalid": contentTypeJS,
"onkeydown": contentTypeJS,
"onkeypress": contentTypeJS,
"onkeyup": contentTypeJS,
"onload": contentTypeJS,
"onloadeddata": contentTypeJS,
"onloadedmetadata": contentTypeJS,
"onloadstart": contentTypeJS,
"onmousedown": contentTypeJS,
"onmousemove": contentTypeJS,
"onmouseout": contentTypeJS,
"onmouseover": contentTypeJS,
"onmouseup": contentTypeJS,
"onmousewheel": contentTypeJS,
"onpause": contentTypeJS,
"onplay": contentTypeJS,
"onplaying": contentTypeJS,
"onprogress": contentTypeJS,
"onratechange": contentTypeJS,
"onreadystatechange": contentTypeJS,
"onreset": contentTypeJS,
"onscroll": contentTypeJS,
"onseeked": contentTypeJS,
"onseeking": contentTypeJS,
"onselect": contentTypeJS,
"onshow": contentTypeJS,
"onstalled": contentTypeJS,
"onsubmit": contentTypeJS,
"onsuspend": contentTypeJS,
"ontimeupdate": contentTypeJS,
"onvolumechange": contentTypeJS,
"onwaiting": contentTypeJS,
"open": contentTypePlain,
"optimum": contentTypePlain,
"pattern": contentTypeUnsafe,
"placeholder": contentTypePlain,
"poster": contentTypeURL,
"profile": contentTypeURL,
"preload": contentTypePlain,
"pubdate": contentTypePlain,
"radiogroup": contentTypePlain,
"readonly": contentTypePlain,
"rel": contentTypeUnsafe,
"required": contentTypePlain,
"reversed": contentTypePlain,
"rows": contentTypePlain,
"rowspan": contentTypePlain,
"sandbox": contentTypeUnsafe,
"spellcheck": contentTypePlain,
"scope": contentTypePlain,
"scoped": contentTypePlain,
"seamless": contentTypePlain,
"selected": contentTypePlain,
"shape": contentTypePlain,
"size": contentTypePlain,
"sizes": contentTypePlain,
"span": contentTypePlain,
"src": contentTypeURL,
"srcdoc": contentTypeHTML,
"srclang": contentTypePlain,
"start": contentTypePlain,
"step": contentTypePlain,
"style": contentTypeCSS,
"tabindex": contentTypePlain,
"target": contentTypePlain,
"title": contentTypePlain,
"type": contentTypeUnsafe,
"usemap": contentTypeURL,
"value": contentTypeUnsafe,
"width": contentTypePlain,
"wrap": contentTypePlain,
// TODO: data-* attrs? Recognize data-foo-url and similar.

View File

@ -64,6 +64,10 @@ const (
// contentTypeUnsafe is used in attr.go for values that affect how
// embedded content and network messages are formed, vetted,
// or interpreted; or which credentials network messages carry.
// stringify converts its arguments to a string and the type of the content.

View File

@ -553,11 +553,51 @@ func TestEscape(t *testing.T) {
// Treated as JS since quotes are inserted.
`<img onload="alert(&#34;loaded&#34;)">`,
"bad dynamic attribute name 1",
// Allow checked, selected, disabled, but not JS or
// CSS attributes.
`<input {{"onchange"}}="{{"doEvil()"}}">`,
`<input ZgotmplZ="doEvil()">`,
"bad dynamic attribute name 2",
`<div {{"sTyle"}}="{{"color: expression(alert(1337))"}}">`,
`<div ZgotmplZ="color: expression(alert(1337))">`,
"bad dynamic attribute name 3",
// Allow title or alt, but not a URL.
`<img {{"src"}}="{{"javascript:doEvil()"}}">`,
`<img ZgotmplZ="javascript:doEvil()">`,
"bad dynamic attribute name 4",
// Structure preservation requires values to associate
// with a consistent attribute.
`<input checked {{""}}="Whose value am I?">`,
`<input checked ZgotmplZ="Whose value am I?">`,
"dynamic element name",
"bad dynamic element name",
// Dynamic element names are typically used to switch
// between (thead, tfoot, tbody), (ul, ol), (th, td),
// and other replaceable sets.
// We do not currently easily support (ul, ol).
// If we do change to support that, this test should
// catch failures to filter out special tag names which
// would violate the structure preservation property --
// if any special tag name could be substituted, then
// the content could be raw text/RCDATA for some inputs
// and regular HTML content for others.
for _, test := range tests {

View File

@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ package html
import (
@ -220,10 +221,23 @@ func htmlNameFilter(args ...interface{}) string {
if t == contentTypeHTMLAttr {
return s
if len(s) == 0 {
// Avoid violation of structure preservation.
// <input checked {{.K}}={{.V}}>.
// Without this, if .K is empty then .V is the value of
// checked, but otherwise .V is the value of the attribute
// named .K.
return filterFailsafe
s = strings.ToLower(s)
if t := attrType[s]; t != contentTypePlain && attrType["on"+s] != contentTypeJS {
// TODO: Split attr and element name part filters so we can whitelist
// attributes.
return filterFailsafe
for _, r := range s {
switch {
case '0' <= r && r <= '9':
case 'A' <= r && r <= 'Z':
case 'a' <= r && r <= 'z':
return filterFailsafe

View File

@ -105,12 +105,17 @@ func tTag(c context, s []byte) (context, int) {
state, attr := stateTag, attrNone
if i != j {
canonAttrName := strings.ToLower(string(s[i:j]))
if urlAttr[canonAttrName] {
switch attrType[canonAttrName] {
case contentTypeURL:
attr = attrURL
} else if strings.HasPrefix(canonAttrName, "on") {
attr = attrScript
} else if canonAttrName == "style" {
case contentTypeCSS:
attr = attrStyle
case contentTypeJS:
attr = attrScript
if strings.HasPrefix(canonAttrName, "on") {
attr = attrScript
if j == len(s) {
state = stateAttrName
@ -532,29 +537,3 @@ func eatWhiteSpace(s []byte, i int) int {
return len(s)
// urlAttr is the set of attribute names whose values are URLs.
// It consists of all "%URI"-typed attributes from
// http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/index/attributes.html
// as well as those attributes defined at
// http://dev.w3.org/html5/spec/index.html#attributes-1
// whose Value column in that table matches
// "Valid [non-empty] URL potentially surrounded by spaces".
var urlAttr = map[string]bool{
"action": true,
"archive": true,
"background": true,
"cite": true,
"classid": true,
"codebase": true,
"data": true,
"formaction": true,
"href": true,
"icon": true,
"longdesc": true,
"manifest": true,
"poster": true,
"profile": true,
"src": true,
"usemap": true,