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" -*- text -*-
" oracle.vim -- Vim integration for the Go oracle.
" Load with (e.g.) :source oracle.vim
" Call with (e.g.) :GoOracleDescribe
" while cursor or selection is over syntax of interest.
" Run :copen to show the quick-fix file.
" This is an absolutely rudimentary integration of the Go Oracle into
" Vim's quickfix mechanism and it needs a number of usability
" improvements before it can be practically useful to Vim users.
" Voluntary contributions welcomed!
" TODO(adonovan):
" - prompt/save the buffer if modified.
" - reject buffers with no filename.
" - hide all filenames in quickfix buffer.
" Users should customize this to their analysis scope, e.g. main package(s).
let s:scope = "/home/adonovan/go3/got/d.go"
" The path to the Go oracle executable.
let s:go_oracle = "$GOROOT/bin/oracle"
" Enable Vim to recognize GNU-style 'file:line.col-line.col: message' format.
set errorformat+=%f:%l.%c-%*[0-9].%*[0-9]:\ %m
func! s:RunOracle(mode) abort
let s:pos = line2byte(line("."))+col(".")
let s:errfile = tempname()
let s:cmd = printf("!%s -mode=%s -pos=%s:%d %s >%s",
\ s:go_oracle, a:mode, bufname(""), s:pos, s:scope, s:errfile)
execute s:cmd
execute "cfile " . s:errfile
" Describe the expression at the current point.
command! GoOracleDescribe
\ call s:RunOracle("describe")
" Show possible callees of the function call at the current point.
command! GoOracleCallees
\ call s:RunOracle("callees")
" Show the set of callers of the function containing the current point.
command! GoOracleCallers
\ call s:RunOracle("callers")
" Show the callgraph of the current program.
command! GoOracleCallgraph
\ call s:RunOracle("callgraph")
" Describe the 'implements' relation for types in the
" package containing the current point.
command! GoOracleImplements
\ call s:RunOracle("implements")
" Enumerate the set of possible corresponding sends/receives for
" this channel receive/send operation.
command! GoOracleChannelPeers
\ call s:RunOracle("peers")