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// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package eval
import (
// An exprCompiler compiles a single node in an expression. It stores
// the whole expression's context plus information specific to this node.
// After compilation, it stores the type of the expression and its
// evaluator function.
type exprCompiler struct {
pos token.Position;
t Type;
// Evaluate this node as the given type.
evalBool func(f *Frame) bool;
evalUint func(f *Frame) uint64;
evalInt func(f *Frame) int64;
// TODO(austin) evalIdealInt and evalIdealFloat shouldn't be
// functions at all.
evalIdealInt func() *bignum.Integer;
evalFloat func(f *Frame) float64;
evalIdealFloat func() *bignum.Rational;
evalString func(f *Frame) string;
evalArray func(f *Frame) ArrayValue;
evalPtr func(f *Frame) Value;
evalFunc func(f *Frame) Func;
// Evaluate to the "address of" this value; that is, the
// settable Value object. nil for expressions whose address
// cannot be taken.
evalAddr func(f *Frame) Value;
// Execute this expression as a statement. Only expressions
// that are valid expression statements should set this.
exec func(f *Frame);
// A short string describing this expression for error
// messages. Only necessary if t != nil.
desc string;
func newExprCompiler(c *exprContext, pos token.Position) *exprCompiler {
return &exprCompiler{
exprContext: c,
pos: pos,
desc: "<missing description>"
// Operator generators
// TODO(austin) Remove these forward declarations
func (a *exprCompiler) genConstant(v Value)
func (a *exprCompiler) genIdentOp(s *Scope, index int)
func (a *exprCompiler) genIndexArray(l *exprCompiler, r *exprCompiler)
func (a *exprCompiler) genFuncCall(call func(f *Frame) []Value)
func (a *exprCompiler) genStarOp(v *exprCompiler)
func (a *exprCompiler) genUnaryOpNeg(v *exprCompiler)
func (a *exprCompiler) genUnaryOpNot(v *exprCompiler)
func (a *exprCompiler) genUnaryOpXor(v *exprCompiler)
func (a *exprCompiler) genBinOpAdd(l *exprCompiler, r *exprCompiler)
func (a *exprCompiler) genBinOpSub(l *exprCompiler, r *exprCompiler)
func (a *exprCompiler) genBinOpMul(l *exprCompiler, r *exprCompiler)
func (a *exprCompiler) genBinOpQuo(l *exprCompiler, r *exprCompiler)
func (a *exprCompiler) genBinOpRem(l *exprCompiler, r *exprCompiler)
func (a *exprCompiler) genBinOpAnd(l *exprCompiler, r *exprCompiler)
func (a *exprCompiler) genBinOpOr(l *exprCompiler, r *exprCompiler)
func (a *exprCompiler) genBinOpXor(l *exprCompiler, r *exprCompiler)
func (a *exprCompiler) genBinOpAndNot(l *exprCompiler, r *exprCompiler)
func (a *exprCompiler) genBinOpShl(l *exprCompiler, r *exprCompiler)
func (a *exprCompiler) genBinOpShr(l *exprCompiler, r *exprCompiler)
func genAssign(lt Type, r *exprCompiler) (func(lv Value, f *Frame))
func (a *exprCompiler) copy() *exprCompiler {
ec := newExprCompiler(a.exprContext, a.pos);
ec.desc = a.desc;
return ec;
func (a *exprCompiler) copyVisit(x ast.Expr) *exprCompiler {
ec := newExprCompiler(a.exprContext, x.Pos());
return ec;
func (a *exprCompiler) diag(format string, args ...) {
a.diagAt(&a.pos, format, args);
func (a *exprCompiler) diagOpType(op token.Token, vt Type) {
a.diag("illegal operand type for '%v' operator\n\t%v", op, vt);
func (a *exprCompiler) diagOpTypes(op token.Token, lt Type, rt Type) {
a.diag("illegal operand types for '%v' operator\n\t%v\n\t%v", op, lt, rt);
* "As" functions. These retrieve evaluator functions from an
* exprCompiler, panicking if the requested evaluator is nil.
func (a *exprCompiler) asBool() (func(f *Frame) bool) {
if a.evalBool == nil {
log.Crashf("tried to get %v node as boolType", a.t);
return a.evalBool;
func (a *exprCompiler) asUint() (func(f *Frame) uint64) {
if a.evalUint == nil {
log.Crashf("tried to get %v node as uintType", a.t);
return a.evalUint;
func (a *exprCompiler) asInt() (func(f *Frame) int64) {
if a.evalInt == nil {
log.Crashf("tried to get %v node as intType", a.t);
return a.evalInt;
func (a *exprCompiler) asIdealInt() (func() *bignum.Integer) {
if a.evalIdealInt == nil {
log.Crashf("tried to get %v node as idealIntType", a.t);
return a.evalIdealInt;
func (a *exprCompiler) asFloat() (func(f *Frame) float64) {
if a.evalFloat == nil {
log.Crashf("tried to get %v node as floatType", a.t);
return a.evalFloat;
func (a *exprCompiler) asIdealFloat() (func() *bignum.Rational) {
if a.evalIdealFloat == nil {
log.Crashf("tried to get %v node as idealFloatType", a.t);
return a.evalIdealFloat;
func (a *exprCompiler) asString() (func(f *Frame) string) {
if a.evalString == nil {
log.Crashf("tried to get %v node as stringType", a.t);
return a.evalString;
func (a *exprCompiler) asArray() (func(f *Frame) ArrayValue) {
if a.evalArray == nil {
log.Crashf("tried to get %v node as ArrayType", a.t);
return a.evalArray;
func (a *exprCompiler) asPtr() (func(f *Frame) Value) {
if a.evalPtr == nil {
log.Crashf("tried to get %v node as PtrType", a.t);
return a.evalPtr;
func (a *exprCompiler) asFunc() (func(f *Frame) Func) {
if a.evalFunc == nil {
log.Crashf("tried to get %v node as FuncType", a.t);
return a.evalFunc;
* Common expression manipulations
// a.convertTo(t) converts the value of the analyzed expression a,
// which must be a constant, ideal number, to a new analyzed
// expression with a constant value of type t.
func (a *exprCompiler) convertTo(t Type) *exprCompiler {
if !a.t.isIdeal() {
log.Crashf("attempted to convert from %v, expected ideal", a.t);
var rat *bignum.Rational;
// XXX(Spec) The spec says "It is erroneous".
// It is an error to assign a value with a non-zero fractional
// part to an integer, or if the assignment would overflow or
// underflow, or in general if the value cannot be represented
// by the type of the variable.
switch a.t {
case IdealFloatType:
rat = a.asIdealFloat()();
if t.isInteger() && !rat.IsInt() {
a.diag("constant %v truncated to integer", ratToString(rat));
return nil;
case IdealIntType:
i := a.asIdealInt()();
rat = bignum.MakeRat(i, bignum.Nat(1));
log.Crashf("unexpected ideal type %v", a.t);
// Check bounds
if t, ok := t.rep().(BoundedType); ok {
if rat.Cmp(t.minVal()) < 0 {
a.diag("constant %v underflows %v", ratToString(rat), t);
return nil;
if rat.Cmp(t.maxVal()) > 0 {
a.diag("constant %v overflows %v", ratToString(rat), t);
return nil;
// Convert rat to type t.
res := a.copy();
res.t = t;
switch t := t.rep().(type) {
case *uintType:
n, d := rat.Value();
f := n.Quo(bignum.MakeInt(false, d));
v := f.Abs().Value();
res.evalUint = func(*Frame) uint64 { return v };
case *intType:
n, d := rat.Value();
f := n.Quo(bignum.MakeInt(false, d));
v := f.Value();
res.evalInt = func(*Frame) int64 { return v };
case *idealIntType:
n, d := rat.Value();
f := n.Quo(bignum.MakeInt(false, d));
res.evalIdealInt = func() *bignum.Integer { return f };
case *floatType:
n, d := rat.Value();
v := float64(n.Value())/float64(d.Value());
res.evalFloat = func(*Frame) float64 { return v };
case *idealFloatType:
res.evalIdealFloat = func() *bignum.Rational { return rat };
log.Crashf("cannot convert to type %T", t);
return res;
// mkAssign takes an optional expected l-value type, lt, and an
// r-value expression compiler, r, and returns the expected l-value
// type and a function that evaluates the r-value and assigns it to
// the l-value lv.
// If lt is non-nil, the returned l-value type will always be lt. If
// lt is nil, mkAssign will infer and return the appropriate l-value
// type, or produce an error.
// errOp specifies the operation name to use for error messages, such
// as "assignment", or "function call". errPosName specifies the name
// to use for positions. errPos, if non-zero, specifies the position
// of this assignment (for tuple assignments or function arguments).
// If the assignment fails to typecheck, this generates an error
// message and returns nil, nil.
func mkAssign(lt Type, r *exprCompiler, errOp string, errPosName string, errPos int) (Type, func(lv Value, f *Frame)) {
// However, when [an ideal is] (used in an expression)
// assigned to a variable or typed constant, the destination
// must be able to represent the assigned value.
if r.t.isIdeal() && (lt == nil || lt.isInteger() || lt.isFloat()) {
// If the type is absent and the corresponding
// expression is a constant expression of ideal
// integer or ideal float type, the type of the
// declared variable is int or float respectively.
if lt == nil {
switch {
case r.t.isInteger():
lt = IntType;
case r.t.isFloat():
lt = FloatType;
log.Crashf("unexpected ideal type %v", r.t);
r = r.convertTo(lt);
if r == nil {
return nil, nil;
// TOOD(austin) Deal with assignment special cases
if lt == nil {
lt = r.t;
} else {
// Values of any type may always be assigned to
// variables of compatible static type.
if lt.literal() != r.t.literal() {
if errPos == 0 {
r.diag("illegal operand types for %s\n\t%v\n\t%v", errOp, lt, r.t);
} else {
r.diag("illegal operand types in %s %d of %s\n\t%v\n\t%v", errPosName, errPos, errOp, lt, r.t);
return nil, nil;
// Compile
return lt, genAssign(lt, r);
* Expression visitors
func (a *exprCompiler) DoBadExpr(x *ast.BadExpr) {
// Do nothing. Already reported by parser.
func (a *exprCompiler) DoIdent(x *ast.Ident) {
def, dscope := a.scope.Lookup(x.Value);
if def == nil {
a.diag("%s: undefined", x.Value);
switch def := def.(type) {
case *Constant:
a.t = def.Type;
a.desc = "constant";
case *Variable:
if a.constant {
a.diag("variable %s used in constant expression", x.Value);
a.t = def.Type;
defidx := def.Index;
a.genIdentOp(dscope, defidx);
a.desc = "variable";
case Type:
a.diag("type %v used as expression", x.Value);
log.Crashf("name %s has unknown type %T", x.Value, def);
func (a *exprCompiler) doIdealInt(i *bignum.Integer) {
a.t = IdealIntType;
a.evalIdealInt = func() *bignum.Integer { return i };
func (a *exprCompiler) DoIntLit(x *ast.IntLit) {
i, _, _2 := bignum.IntFromString(string(x.Value), 0);
a.desc = "integer literal";
func (a *exprCompiler) DoCharLit(x *ast.CharLit) {
if x.Value[0] != '\'' {
log.Crashf("malformed character literal %s at %v passed parser", x.Value, x.Pos());
v, mb, tail, err := strconv.UnquoteChar(string(x.Value[1:len(x.Value)]), '\'');
if err != nil || tail != "'" {
log.Crashf("malformed character literal %s at %v passed parser", x.Value, x.Pos());
a.desc = "character literal";
func (a *exprCompiler) DoFloatLit(x *ast.FloatLit) {
f, _, n := bignum.RatFromString(string(x.Value), 0);
if n != len(x.Value) {
log.Crashf("malformed float literal %s at %v passed parser", x.Value, x.Pos());
a.t = IdealFloatType;
a.evalIdealFloat = func() *bignum.Rational { return f };
a.desc = "float literal";
func (a *exprCompiler) doString(s string) {
a.t = StringType;
a.evalString = func(*Frame) string { return s };
func (a *exprCompiler) DoStringLit(x *ast.StringLit) {
s, err := strconv.Unquote(string(x.Value));
if err != nil {
a.diag("illegal string literal, %v", err);
a.desc = "string literal";
func (a *exprCompiler) DoStringList(x *ast.StringList) {
ss := make([]string, len(x.Strings));
for i := 0; i < len(x.Strings); i++ {
s, err := strconv.Unquote(string(x.Strings[i].Value));
if err != nil {
a.diag("illegal string literal, %v", err);
ss[i] = s;
a.doString(strings.Join(ss, ""));
a.desc = "string literal";
func (a *exprCompiler) DoFuncLit(x *ast.FuncLit) {
// TODO(austin) Closures capture their entire defining frame
// instead of just the variables they use.
decl := a.compileFuncType(a.scope, x.Type);
if decl == nil {
// TODO(austin) Try compiling the body, perhaps with
// dummy definitions for the arguments
evalFunc := a.compileFunc(a.scope, decl, x.Body);
if evalFunc == nil {
if a.constant {
a.diag("function literal used in constant expression");
a.t = decl.Type;
a.evalFunc = evalFunc;
func (a *exprCompiler) DoCompositeLit(x *ast.CompositeLit) {
log.Crash("Not implemented");
func (a *exprCompiler) DoParenExpr(x *ast.ParenExpr) {
func (a *exprCompiler) DoSelectorExpr(x *ast.SelectorExpr) {
log.Crash("Not implemented");
func (a *exprCompiler) DoIndexExpr(x *ast.IndexExpr) {
l, r := a.copyVisit(x.X), a.copyVisit(x.Index);
if l.t == nil || r.t == nil {
// Type check object
if lt, ok := l.t.rep().(*PtrType); ok {
if et, ok := lt.Elem.rep().(*ArrayType); ok {
// Automatic dereference
nl := l.copy();
nl.t = et;
l = nl;
var at Type;
intIndex := false;
var maxIndex int64 = -1;
switch lt := l.t.rep().(type) {
case *ArrayType:
at = lt.Elem;
intIndex = true;
maxIndex = lt.Len;
// TODO(austin) Uncomment when there is a SliceType
// case *SliceType:
// a.t = lt.Elem;
// intIndex = true;
case *stringType:
at = Uint8Type;
intIndex = true;
// TODO(austin) Uncomment when there is a MapType
// case *MapType:
// log.Crash("Index into map not implemented");
a.diag("cannot index into %v", l.t);
// Type check index and convert to int if necessary
if intIndex {
// XXX(Spec) It's unclear if ideal floats with no
// fractional part are allowed here. 6g allows it. I
// believe that's wrong.
switch _ := r.t.rep().(type) {
case *idealIntType:
val := r.asIdealInt()();
if val.IsNeg() || (maxIndex != -1 && val.Cmp(bignum.Int(maxIndex)) >= 0) {
a.diag("array index out of bounds");
r = r.convertTo(IntType);
if r == nil {
case *uintType:
// Convert to int
nr := r.copy();
nr.t = IntType;
rf := r.asUint();
nr.evalInt = func(f *Frame) int64 {
return int64(rf(f));
r = nr;
case *intType:
// Good as is
a.diag("illegal operand type for index\n\t%v", r.t);
a.t = at;
// Compile
switch lt := l.t.rep().(type) {
case *ArrayType:
a.t = lt.Elem;
// TODO(austin) Bounds check
a.genIndexArray(l, r);
lf := l.asArray();
rf := r.asInt();
a.evalAddr = func(f *Frame) Value {
return lf(f).Elem(rf(f));
case *stringType:
// TODO(austin) Bounds check
lf := l.asString();
rf := r.asInt();
// TODO(austin) This pulls over the whole string in a
// remote setting, instead of just the one character.
a.evalUint = func(f *Frame) uint64 {
return uint64(lf(f)[rf(f)]);
log.Crashf("Compilation of index into %T not implemented", l.t);
func (a *exprCompiler) DoTypeAssertExpr(x *ast.TypeAssertExpr) {
log.Crash("Not implemented");
func (a *exprCompiler) DoCallExpr(x *ast.CallExpr) {
// TODO(austin) Type conversions look like calls, but will
// fail in DoIdent right now.
// TODO(austin) Magic built-in functions
// TODO(austin) Variadic functions.
// Compile children
bad := false;
l := a.copyVisit(x.Fun);
if l.t == nil {
bad = true;
as := make([]*exprCompiler, len(x.Args));
ats := make([]Type, len(as));
for i := 0; i < len(x.Args); i++ {
as[i] = a.copyVisit(x.Args[i]);
if as[i].t == nil {
bad = true;
ats[i] = as[i].t;
if bad {
// Type check
if a.constant {
a.diag("function call in constant context");
// XXX(Spec) Calling a named function type is okay. I really
// think there needs to be a general discussion of named
// types. A named type creates a new, distinct type, but the
// type of that type is still whatever it's defined to. Thus,
// in "type Foo int", Foo is still an integer type and in
// "type Foo func()", Foo is a function type.
lt, ok := l.t.rep().(*FuncType);
if !ok {
a.diag("cannot call non-function type %v", l.t);
if len(as) != len(lt.In) {
msg := "too many";
if len(as) < len(lt.In) {
msg = "not enough";
a.diag("%s arguments to call\n\t%s\n\t%s", msg, typeListString(lt.In, nil), typeListString(ats, nil));
// The arguments must be single-valued expressions assignment
// compatible with the parameters of F.
afs := make([]func(lv Value, f *Frame), len(as));
for i := 0; i < len(as); i++ {
var at Type;
at, afs[i] = mkAssign(lt.In[i], as[i], "function call", "argument", i + 1);
if at == nil {
bad = true;
if bad {
nResults := len(lt.Out);
if nResults != 1 {
log.Crashf("Multi-valued return type not implemented");
a.t = lt.Out[0];
// Compile
lf := l.asFunc();
call := func(f *Frame) []Value {
fun := lf(f);
fr := fun.NewFrame();
for i, af := range afs {
af(fr.Vars[i], f);
return fr.Vars[len(afs):len(afs)+nResults];
// Function calls, method calls, and channel operations can
// appear in statement context.
a.exec = func(f *Frame) { call(f) };
func (a *exprCompiler) DoStarExpr(x *ast.StarExpr) {
v := a.copyVisit(x.X);
if v.t == nil {
switch vt := v.t.rep().(type) {
case *PtrType:
a.t = vt.Elem;
a.desc = "indirect expression";
a.diagOpType(token.MUL, v.t);
func (a *exprCompiler) genUnaryAddrOf(v *exprCompiler) {
vf := v.evalAddr;
a.evalPtr = func(f *Frame) Value { return vf(f) };
var unaryOpDescs = make(map[token.Token] string)
func (a *exprCompiler) DoUnaryExpr(x *ast.UnaryExpr) {
v := a.copyVisit(x.X);
if v.t == nil {
// Type check
switch x.Op {
case token.ADD, token.SUB:
if !v.t.isInteger() && !v.t.isFloat() {
a.diagOpType(x.Op, v.t);
a.t = v.t;
case token.NOT:
if !v.t.isBoolean() {
a.diagOpType(x.Op, v.t);
a.t = BoolType;
case token.XOR:
if !v.t.isInteger() {
a.diagOpType(x.Op, v.t);
a.t = v.t;
case token.AND:
// The unary prefix address-of operator & generates
// the address of its operand, which must be a
// variable, pointer indirection, field selector, or
// array or slice indexing operation.
if v.evalAddr == nil {
a.diag("cannot take the address of %s", v.desc);
// TODO(austin) Implement "It is illegal to take the
// address of a function result variable" once I have
// function result variables.
a.t = NewPtrType(v.t);
case token.ARROW:
log.Crashf("Unary op %v not implemented", x.Op);
log.Crashf("unknown unary operator %v", x.Op);
var ok bool;
a.desc, ok = unaryOpDescs[x.Op];
if !ok {
a.desc = "unary " + x.Op.String() + " expression";
unaryOpDescs[x.Op] = a.desc;
// Compile
switch x.Op {
case token.ADD:
// Just compile it out
*a = *v;
case token.SUB:
case token.NOT:
case token.XOR:
case token.AND:
log.Crashf("Compilation of unary op %v not implemented", x.Op);
var binOpDescs = make(map[token.Token] string)
func (a *exprCompiler) doBinaryExpr(op token.Token, l, r *exprCompiler) {
// Save the original types of l.t and r.t for error messages.
origlt := l.t;
origrt := r.t;
// XXX(Spec) What is the exact definition of a "named type"?
// XXX(Spec) Arithmetic operators: "Integer types" apparently
// means all types compatible with basic integer types, though
// this is never explained. Likewise for float types, etc.
// This relates to the missing explanation of named types.
// XXX(Spec) Operators: "If both operands are ideal numbers,
// the conversion is to ideal floats if one of the operands is
// an ideal float (relevant for / and %)." How is that
// relevant only for / and %? If I add an ideal int and an
// ideal float, I get an ideal float.
if op != token.SHL && op != token.SHR {
// Except in shift expressions, if one operand has
// numeric type and the other operand is an ideal
// number, the ideal number is converted to match the
// type of the other operand.
if (l.t.isInteger() || l.t.isFloat()) && !l.t.isIdeal() && r.t.isIdeal() {
r = r.convertTo(l.t);
} else if (r.t.isInteger() || r.t.isFloat()) && !r.t.isIdeal() && l.t.isIdeal() {
l = l.convertTo(r.t);
if l == nil || r == nil {
// Except in shift expressions, if both operands are
// ideal numbers and one is an ideal float, the other
// is converted to ideal float.
if l.t.isIdeal() && r.t.isIdeal() {
if l.t.isInteger() && r.t.isFloat() {
l = l.convertTo(r.t);
} else if l.t.isFloat() && r.t.isInteger() {
r = r.convertTo(l.t);
if l == nil || r == nil {
// XXX(Spec) "The operand types in binary operations must be
// compatible" should say the types must be *identical*.
// Useful type predicates
same := func() bool {
return l.t == r.t;
integers := func() bool {
return l.t.isInteger() && r.t.isInteger();
floats := func() bool {
return l.t.isFloat() && r.t.isFloat();
strings := func() bool {
// TODO(austin) Deal with named types
return l.t == StringType && r.t == StringType;
booleans := func() bool {
return l.t.isBoolean() && r.t.isBoolean();
// Type check
switch op {
case token.ADD:
if !same() || (!integers() && !floats() && !strings()) {
a.diagOpTypes(op, origlt, origrt);
a.t = l.t;
case token.SUB, token.MUL, token.QUO:
if !same() || (!integers() && !floats()) {
a.diagOpTypes(op, origlt, origrt);
a.t = l.t;
case token.REM, token.AND, token.OR, token.XOR, token.AND_NOT:
if !same() || !integers() {
a.diagOpTypes(op, origlt, origrt);
a.t = l.t;
case token.SHL, token.SHR:
// XXX(Spec) Is it okay for the right operand to be an
// ideal float with no fractional part? "The right
// operand in a shift operation must be always be of
// unsigned integer type or an ideal number that can
// be safely converted into an unsigned integer type
// (§Arithmetic operators)" suggests so and 6g agrees.
if !l.t.isInteger() || !(r.t.isInteger() || r.t.isIdeal()) {
a.diagOpTypes(op, origlt, origrt);
// The right operand in a shift operation must be
// always be of unsigned integer type or an ideal
// number that can be safely converted into an
// unsigned integer type.
if r.t.isIdeal() {
r2 := r.convertTo(UintType);
if r2 == nil {
// If the left operand is not ideal, convert
// the right to not ideal.
if !l.t.isIdeal() {
r = r2;
// If both are ideal, but the right side isn't
// an ideal int, convert it to simplify things.
if l.t.isIdeal() && !r.t.isInteger() {
r = r.convertTo(IdealIntType);
if r == nil {
log.Crashf("conversion to uintType succeeded, but conversion to idealIntType failed");
} else if _, ok := r.t.rep().(*uintType); !ok {
a.diag("right operand of shift must be unsigned");
if l.t.isIdeal() && !r.t.isIdeal() {
// XXX(Spec) What is the meaning of "ideal >>
// non-ideal"? Russ says the ideal should be
// converted to an int. 6g propagates the
// type down from assignments as a hint.
l = l.convertTo(IntType);
if l == nil {
// At this point, we should have one of three cases:
// 1) uint SHIFT uint
// 2) int SHIFT uint
// 3) ideal int SHIFT ideal int
a.t = l.t;
case token.LOR, token.LAND:
if !booleans() {
// XXX(Spec) There's no mention of *which* boolean
// type the logical operators return. From poking at
// 6g, it appears to be the named boolean type, NOT
// the type of the left operand, and NOT an unnamed
// boolean type.
a.t = BoolType;
case token.ARROW:
// The operands in channel sends differ in type: one
// is always a channel and the other is a variable or
// value of the channel's element type.
log.Crash("Binary op <- not implemented");
a.t = BoolType;
case token.LSS, token.GTR, token.LEQ, token.GEQ:
// ... booleans may be compared only for equality or
// inequality.
if l.t.isBoolean() || r.t.isBoolean() {
a.diagOpTypes(op, origlt, origrt);
case token.EQL, token.NEQ:
// When comparing two operands of channel type, the
// channel value types must be compatible but the
// channel direction is ignored.
// XXX(Spec) Operators: "When comparing two operands
// of channel type, the channel value types must be
// compatible but the channel direction is ignored."
// By "compatible" this really means "comparison
// compatible". Really, the rules for type checking
// comparison operators are entirely different from
// other binary operators, but this just barely hints
// at that.
// XXX(Spec) Comparison operators: "All comparison
// operators apply to basic types except bools."
// "except bools" is really weird here, since this is
// actually explained in the Comparison compatibility
// section.
log.Crashf("Binary op %v not implemented", op);
a.t = BoolType;
log.Crashf("unknown binary operator %v", op);
var ok bool;
a.desc, ok = binOpDescs[op];
if !ok {
a.desc = op.String() + " expression";
binOpDescs[op] = a.desc;
// Compile
switch op {
case token.ADD:
a.genBinOpAdd(l, r);
case token.SUB:
a.genBinOpSub(l, r);
case token.MUL:
a.genBinOpMul(l, r);
case token.QUO:
// TODO(austin) What if divisor is zero?
// TODO(austin) Clear higher bits that may have
// accumulated in our temporary.
a.genBinOpQuo(l, r);
case token.REM:
// TODO(austin) What if divisor is zero?
// TODO(austin) Clear higher bits that may have
// accumulated in our temporary.
a.genBinOpRem(l, r);
case token.AND:
a.genBinOpAnd(l, r);
case token.OR:
a.genBinOpOr(l, r);
case token.XOR:
a.genBinOpXor(l, r);
case token.AND_NOT:
a.genBinOpAndNot(l, r);
case token.SHL:
if l.t.isIdeal() {
lv := l.asIdealInt()();
rv := r.asIdealInt()();
const maxShift = 99999;
if rv.Cmp(bignum.Int(maxShift)) > 0 {
a.diag("left shift by %v; exceeds implementation limit of %v", rv, maxShift);
a.t = nil;
val := lv.Shl(uint(rv.Value()));
a.evalIdealInt = func() *bignum.Integer { return val };
} else {
a.genBinOpShl(l, r);
case token.SHR:
if l.t.isIdeal() {
lv := l.asIdealInt()();
rv := r.asIdealInt()();
val := lv.Shr(uint(rv.Value()));
a.evalIdealInt = func() *bignum.Integer { return val };
} else {
a.genBinOpShr(l, r);
log.Crashf("Compilation of binary op %v not implemented", op);
func (a *exprCompiler) DoBinaryExpr(x *ast.BinaryExpr) {
l, r := a.copyVisit(x.X), a.copyVisit(x.Y);
if l.t == nil || r.t == nil {
a.doBinaryExpr(x.Op, l, r);
func (a *exprCompiler) DoKeyValueExpr(x *ast.KeyValueExpr) {
log.Crash("Not implemented");
func (a *exprCompiler) DoEllipsis(x *ast.Ellipsis) {
log.Crash("Not implemented");
func (a *exprCompiler) DoArrayType(x *ast.ArrayType) {
log.Crash("Not implemented");
func (a *exprCompiler) DoStructType(x *ast.StructType) {
log.Crash("Not implemented");
func (a *exprCompiler) DoFuncType(x *ast.FuncType) {
log.Crash("Not implemented");
func (a *exprCompiler) DoInterfaceType(x *ast.InterfaceType) {
log.Crash("Not implemented");
func (a *exprCompiler) DoMapType(x *ast.MapType) {
log.Crash("Not implemented");
func (a *exprCompiler) DoChanType(x *ast.ChanType) {
log.Crash("Not implemented");
// TODO(austin) This is a hack to eliminate a circular dependency
// between type.go and expr.go
func (a *compiler) compileArrayLen(scope *Scope, expr ast.Expr) (int64, bool) {
lenExpr := a.compileExpr(scope, expr, true);
if lenExpr == nil {
return 0, false;
if !lenExpr.t.isInteger() {
a.diagAt(expr, "array size must be an integer");
return 0, false;
if lenExpr.t.isIdeal() {
lenExpr = lenExpr.convertTo(IntType);
if lenExpr == nil {
return 0, false;
switch _ := lenExpr.t.rep().(type) {
case *intType:
return lenExpr.evalInt(nil), true;
case *uintType:
return int64(lenExpr.evalUint(nil)), true;
log.Crashf("unexpected integer type %T", lenExpr.t);
return 0, false;
func (a *compiler) compileExpr(scope *Scope, expr ast.Expr, constant bool) *exprCompiler {
ec := newExprCompiler(&exprContext{a, scope, constant}, expr.Pos());
if ec.t == nil {
return nil;
return ec;
// extractEffect separates out any effects that the expression may
// have, returning a function that will perform those effects and a
// new exprCompiler that is guaranteed to be side-effect free. These
// are the moral equivalents of "temp := &expr" and "*temp".
// Implementation limit: The expression must be addressable.
func (a *exprCompiler) extractEffect() (func(f *Frame), *exprCompiler) {
if a.evalAddr == nil {
// This is a much easier case, but the code is
// completely different.
log.Crash("extractEffect only implemented for addressable expressions");
// Create temporary
tempScope := a.scope;
tempType := NewPtrType(a.t);
// TODO(austin) These temporaries accumulate in the scope.
temp := tempScope.DefineTemp(tempType);
tempIdx := temp.Index;
// Generate "temp := &e"
addr := a.copy();
addr.t = tempType;
_, assign := mkAssign(tempType, addr, "", "", 0);
if assign == nil {
log.Crashf("extractEffect: mkAssign type check failed");
effect := func(f *Frame) {
tempVal := f.Get(tempScope, tempIdx);
assign(tempVal, f);
// Generate "*temp"
getTemp := a.copy();
getTemp.t = tempType;
getTemp.genIdentOp(tempScope, tempIdx);
deref := a.copy();
deref.t = a.t;
return effect, deref;
* Testing interface
type Expr struct {
t Type;
f func(f *Frame, out Value);
func (expr *Expr) Eval(f *Frame) Value {
v := expr.t.Zero();
expr.f(f, v);
return v;
func CompileExpr(scope *Scope, expr ast.Expr) (*Expr, os.Error) {
errors := scanner.NewErrorVector();
cc := &compiler{errors};
ec := cc.compileExpr(scope, expr, false);
if ec == nil {
return nil, errors.GetError(scanner.Sorted);
switch t := ec.t.rep().(type) {
case *boolType:
return &Expr{t, func(f *Frame, out Value) { out.(BoolValue).Set(ec.evalBool(f)) }}, nil;
case *uintType:
return &Expr{t, func(f *Frame, out Value) { out.(UintValue).Set(ec.evalUint(f)) }}, nil;
case *intType:
return &Expr{t, func(f *Frame, out Value) { out.(IntValue).Set(ec.evalInt(f)) }}, nil;
case *idealIntType:
return &Expr{t, func(f *Frame, out Value) { out.(*idealIntV).V = ec.evalIdealInt() }}, nil;
case *floatType:
return &Expr{t, func(f *Frame, out Value) { out.(FloatValue).Set(ec.evalFloat(f)) }}, nil;
case *idealFloatType:
return &Expr{t, func(f *Frame, out Value) { out.(*idealFloatV).V = ec.evalIdealFloat() }}, nil;
case *stringType:
return &Expr{t, func(f *Frame, out Value) { out.(StringValue).Set(ec.evalString(f)) }}, nil;
case *PtrType:
return &Expr{t, func(f *Frame, out Value) { out.(PtrValue).Set(ec.evalPtr(f)) }}, nil;
case *FuncType:
return &Expr{t, func(f *Frame, out Value) { out.(FuncValue).Set(ec.evalFunc(f)) }}, nil;
log.Crashf("unexpected type %v", ec.t);
* Operator generators
* Everything below here is MACHINE GENERATED by gen.py genOps
func (a *exprCompiler) genConstant(v Value) {
switch _ := a.t.rep().(type) {
case *boolType:
val := v.(BoolValue).Get();
a.evalBool = func(f *Frame) bool { return val };
case *uintType:
val := v.(UintValue).Get();
a.evalUint = func(f *Frame) uint64 { return val };
case *intType:
val := v.(IntValue).Get();
a.evalInt = func(f *Frame) int64 { return val };
case *idealIntType:
val := v.(IdealIntValue).Get();
a.evalIdealInt = func() *bignum.Integer { return val };
case *floatType:
val := v.(FloatValue).Get();
a.evalFloat = func(f *Frame) float64 { return val };
case *idealFloatType:
val := v.(IdealFloatValue).Get();
a.evalIdealFloat = func() *bignum.Rational { return val };
case *stringType:
val := v.(StringValue).Get();
a.evalString = func(f *Frame) string { return val };
case *ArrayType:
val := v.(ArrayValue).Get();
a.evalArray = func(f *Frame) ArrayValue { return val };
case *PtrType:
val := v.(PtrValue).Get();
a.evalPtr = func(f *Frame) Value { return val };
case *FuncType:
val := v.(FuncValue).Get();
a.evalFunc = func(f *Frame) Func { return val };
log.Crashf("unexpected constant type %v at %v", a.t, a.pos);
func (a *exprCompiler) genIdentOp(s *Scope, index int) {
a.evalAddr = func(f *Frame) Value { return f.Get(s, index) };
switch _ := a.t.rep().(type) {
case *boolType:
a.evalBool = func(f *Frame) bool { return f.Get(s, index).(BoolValue).Get() };
case *uintType:
a.evalUint = func(f *Frame) uint64 { return f.Get(s, index).(UintValue).Get() };
case *intType:
a.evalInt = func(f *Frame) int64 { return f.Get(s, index).(IntValue).Get() };
case *floatType:
a.evalFloat = func(f *Frame) float64 { return f.Get(s, index).(FloatValue).Get() };
case *stringType:
a.evalString = func(f *Frame) string { return f.Get(s, index).(StringValue).Get() };
case *ArrayType:
a.evalArray = func(f *Frame) ArrayValue { return f.Get(s, index).(ArrayValue).Get() };
case *PtrType:
a.evalPtr = func(f *Frame) Value { return f.Get(s, index).(PtrValue).Get() };
case *FuncType:
a.evalFunc = func(f *Frame) Func { return f.Get(s, index).(FuncValue).Get() };
log.Crashf("unexpected identifier type %v at %v", a.t, a.pos);
func (a *exprCompiler) genIndexArray(l *exprCompiler, r *exprCompiler) {
lf := l.asArray();
rf := r.asInt();
switch _ := a.t.rep().(type) {
case *boolType:
a.evalBool = func(f *Frame) bool { return lf(f).Elem(rf(f)).(BoolValue).Get() };
case *uintType:
a.evalUint = func(f *Frame) uint64 { return lf(f).Elem(rf(f)).(UintValue).Get() };
case *intType:
a.evalInt = func(f *Frame) int64 { return lf(f).Elem(rf(f)).(IntValue).Get() };
case *floatType:
a.evalFloat = func(f *Frame) float64 { return lf(f).Elem(rf(f)).(FloatValue).Get() };
case *stringType:
a.evalString = func(f *Frame) string { return lf(f).Elem(rf(f)).(StringValue).Get() };
case *ArrayType:
a.evalArray = func(f *Frame) ArrayValue { return lf(f).Elem(rf(f)).(ArrayValue).Get() };
case *PtrType:
a.evalPtr = func(f *Frame) Value { return lf(f).Elem(rf(f)).(PtrValue).Get() };
case *FuncType:
a.evalFunc = func(f *Frame) Func { return lf(f).Elem(rf(f)).(FuncValue).Get() };
log.Crashf("unexpected result type %v at %v", a.t, a.pos);
func (a *exprCompiler) genFuncCall(call func(f *Frame) []Value) {
switch _ := a.t.rep().(type) {
case *boolType:
a.evalBool = func(f *Frame) bool { return call(f)[0].(BoolValue).Get() };
case *uintType:
a.evalUint = func(f *Frame) uint64 { return call(f)[0].(UintValue).Get() };
case *intType:
a.evalInt = func(f *Frame) int64 { return call(f)[0].(IntValue).Get() };
case *floatType:
a.evalFloat = func(f *Frame) float64 { return call(f)[0].(FloatValue).Get() };
case *stringType:
a.evalString = func(f *Frame) string { return call(f)[0].(StringValue).Get() };
case *ArrayType:
a.evalArray = func(f *Frame) ArrayValue { return call(f)[0].(ArrayValue).Get() };
case *PtrType:
a.evalPtr = func(f *Frame) Value { return call(f)[0].(PtrValue).Get() };
case *FuncType:
a.evalFunc = func(f *Frame) Func { return call(f)[0].(FuncValue).Get() };
log.Crashf("unexpected result type %v at %v", a.t, a.pos);
func (a *exprCompiler) genStarOp(v *exprCompiler) {
vf := v.asPtr();
a.evalAddr = func(f *Frame) Value { return vf(f) };
switch _ := a.t.rep().(type) {
case *boolType:
a.evalBool = func(f *Frame) bool { return vf(f).(BoolValue).Get() };
case *uintType:
a.evalUint = func(f *Frame) uint64 { return vf(f).(UintValue).Get() };
case *intType:
a.evalInt = func(f *Frame) int64 { return vf(f).(IntValue).Get() };
case *floatType:
a.evalFloat = func(f *Frame) float64 { return vf(f).(FloatValue).Get() };
case *stringType:
a.evalString = func(f *Frame) string { return vf(f).(StringValue).Get() };
case *ArrayType:
a.evalArray = func(f *Frame) ArrayValue { return vf(f).(ArrayValue).Get() };
case *PtrType:
a.evalPtr = func(f *Frame) Value { return vf(f).(PtrValue).Get() };
case *FuncType:
a.evalFunc = func(f *Frame) Func { return vf(f).(FuncValue).Get() };
log.Crashf("unexpected result type %v at %v", a.t, a.pos);
func (a *exprCompiler) genUnaryOpNeg(v *exprCompiler) {
switch _ := a.t.rep().(type) {
case *uintType:
vf := v.asUint();
a.evalUint = func(f *Frame) uint64 { return -vf(f) };
case *intType:
vf := v.asInt();
a.evalInt = func(f *Frame) int64 { return -vf(f) };
case *idealIntType:
vf := v.asIdealInt();
val := vf().Neg();
a.evalIdealInt = func() *bignum.Integer { return val };
case *floatType:
vf := v.asFloat();
a.evalFloat = func(f *Frame) float64 { return -vf(f) };
case *idealFloatType:
vf := v.asIdealFloat();
val := vf().Neg();
a.evalIdealFloat = func() *bignum.Rational { return val };
log.Crashf("unexpected result type %v at %v", a.t, a.pos);
func (a *exprCompiler) genUnaryOpNot(v *exprCompiler) {
switch _ := a.t.rep().(type) {
case *boolType:
vf := v.asBool();
a.evalBool = func(f *Frame) bool { return !vf(f) };
log.Crashf("unexpected result type %v at %v", a.t, a.pos);
func (a *exprCompiler) genUnaryOpXor(v *exprCompiler) {
switch _ := a.t.rep().(type) {
case *uintType:
vf := v.asUint();
a.evalUint = func(f *Frame) uint64 { return ^vf(f) };
case *intType:
vf := v.asInt();
a.evalInt = func(f *Frame) int64 { return ^vf(f) };
case *idealIntType:
vf := v.asIdealInt();
val := vf().Neg().Sub(bignum.Int(1));
a.evalIdealInt = func() *bignum.Integer { return val };
log.Crashf("unexpected result type %v at %v", a.t, a.pos);
func (a *exprCompiler) genBinOpAdd(l *exprCompiler, r *exprCompiler) {
switch _ := a.t.rep().(type) {
case *uintType:
lf := l.asUint();
rf := r.asUint();
a.evalUint = func(f *Frame) uint64 { return lf(f) + rf(f) };
case *intType:
lf := l.asInt();
rf := r.asInt();
a.evalInt = func(f *Frame) int64 { return lf(f) + rf(f) };
case *idealIntType:
lf := l.asIdealInt();
rf := r.asIdealInt();
val := lf().Add(rf());
a.evalIdealInt = func() *bignum.Integer { return val };
case *floatType:
lf := l.asFloat();
rf := r.asFloat();
a.evalFloat = func(f *Frame) float64 { return lf(f) + rf(f) };
case *idealFloatType:
lf := l.asIdealFloat();
rf := r.asIdealFloat();
val := lf().Add(rf());
a.evalIdealFloat = func() *bignum.Rational { return val };
case *stringType:
lf := l.asString();
rf := r.asString();
a.evalString = func(f *Frame) string { return lf(f) + rf(f) };
log.Crashf("unexpected result type %v at %v", a.t, a.pos);
func (a *exprCompiler) genBinOpSub(l *exprCompiler, r *exprCompiler) {
switch _ := a.t.rep().(type) {
case *uintType:
lf := l.asUint();
rf := r.asUint();
a.evalUint = func(f *Frame) uint64 { return lf(f) - rf(f) };
case *intType:
lf := l.asInt();
rf := r.asInt();
a.evalInt = func(f *Frame) int64 { return lf(f) - rf(f) };
case *idealIntType:
lf := l.asIdealInt();
rf := r.asIdealInt();
val := lf().Sub(rf());
a.evalIdealInt = func() *bignum.Integer { return val };
case *floatType:
lf := l.asFloat();
rf := r.asFloat();
a.evalFloat = func(f *Frame) float64 { return lf(f) - rf(f) };
case *idealFloatType:
lf := l.asIdealFloat();
rf := r.asIdealFloat();
val := lf().Sub(rf());
a.evalIdealFloat = func() *bignum.Rational { return val };
log.Crashf("unexpected result type %v at %v", a.t, a.pos);
func (a *exprCompiler) genBinOpMul(l *exprCompiler, r *exprCompiler) {
switch _ := a.t.rep().(type) {
case *uintType:
lf := l.asUint();
rf := r.asUint();
a.evalUint = func(f *Frame) uint64 { return lf(f) * rf(f) };
case *intType:
lf := l.asInt();
rf := r.asInt();
a.evalInt = func(f *Frame) int64 { return lf(f) * rf(f) };
case *idealIntType:
lf := l.asIdealInt();
rf := r.asIdealInt();
val := lf().Mul(rf());
a.evalIdealInt = func() *bignum.Integer { return val };
case *floatType:
lf := l.asFloat();
rf := r.asFloat();
a.evalFloat = func(f *Frame) float64 { return lf(f) * rf(f) };
case *idealFloatType:
lf := l.asIdealFloat();
rf := r.asIdealFloat();
val := lf().Mul(rf());
a.evalIdealFloat = func() *bignum.Rational { return val };
log.Crashf("unexpected result type %v at %v", a.t, a.pos);
func (a *exprCompiler) genBinOpQuo(l *exprCompiler, r *exprCompiler) {
switch _ := a.t.rep().(type) {
case *uintType:
lf := l.asUint();
rf := r.asUint();
a.evalUint = func(f *Frame) uint64 { return lf(f) / rf(f) };
case *intType:
lf := l.asInt();
rf := r.asInt();
a.evalInt = func(f *Frame) int64 { return lf(f) / rf(f) };
case *idealIntType:
lf := l.asIdealInt();
rf := r.asIdealInt();
val := lf().Quo(rf());
a.evalIdealInt = func() *bignum.Integer { return val };
case *floatType:
lf := l.asFloat();
rf := r.asFloat();
a.evalFloat = func(f *Frame) float64 { return lf(f) / rf(f) };
case *idealFloatType:
lf := l.asIdealFloat();
rf := r.asIdealFloat();
val := lf().Quo(rf());
a.evalIdealFloat = func() *bignum.Rational { return val };
log.Crashf("unexpected result type %v at %v", a.t, a.pos);
func (a *exprCompiler) genBinOpRem(l *exprCompiler, r *exprCompiler) {
switch _ := a.t.rep().(type) {
case *uintType:
lf := l.asUint();
rf := r.asUint();
a.evalUint = func(f *Frame) uint64 { return lf(f) % rf(f) };
case *intType:
lf := l.asInt();
rf := r.asInt();
a.evalInt = func(f *Frame) int64 { return lf(f) % rf(f) };
case *idealIntType:
lf := l.asIdealInt();
rf := r.asIdealInt();
val := lf().Rem(rf());
a.evalIdealInt = func() *bignum.Integer { return val };
log.Crashf("unexpected result type %v at %v", a.t, a.pos);
func (a *exprCompiler) genBinOpAnd(l *exprCompiler, r *exprCompiler) {
switch _ := a.t.rep().(type) {
case *uintType:
lf := l.asUint();
rf := r.asUint();
a.evalUint = func(f *Frame) uint64 { return lf(f) & rf(f) };
case *intType:
lf := l.asInt();
rf := r.asInt();
a.evalInt = func(f *Frame) int64 { return lf(f) & rf(f) };
case *idealIntType:
lf := l.asIdealInt();
rf := r.asIdealInt();
val := lf().And(rf());
a.evalIdealInt = func() *bignum.Integer { return val };
log.Crashf("unexpected result type %v at %v", a.t, a.pos);
func (a *exprCompiler) genBinOpOr(l *exprCompiler, r *exprCompiler) {
switch _ := a.t.rep().(type) {
case *uintType:
lf := l.asUint();
rf := r.asUint();
a.evalUint = func(f *Frame) uint64 { return lf(f) | rf(f) };
case *intType:
lf := l.asInt();
rf := r.asInt();
a.evalInt = func(f *Frame) int64 { return lf(f) | rf(f) };
case *idealIntType:
lf := l.asIdealInt();
rf := r.asIdealInt();
val := lf().Or(rf());
a.evalIdealInt = func() *bignum.Integer { return val };
log.Crashf("unexpected result type %v at %v", a.t, a.pos);
func (a *exprCompiler) genBinOpXor(l *exprCompiler, r *exprCompiler) {
switch _ := a.t.rep().(type) {
case *uintType:
lf := l.asUint();
rf := r.asUint();
a.evalUint = func(f *Frame) uint64 { return lf(f) ^ rf(f) };
case *intType:
lf := l.asInt();
rf := r.asInt();
a.evalInt = func(f *Frame) int64 { return lf(f) ^ rf(f) };
case *idealIntType:
lf := l.asIdealInt();
rf := r.asIdealInt();
val := lf().Xor(rf());
a.evalIdealInt = func() *bignum.Integer { return val };
log.Crashf("unexpected result type %v at %v", a.t, a.pos);
func (a *exprCompiler) genBinOpAndNot(l *exprCompiler, r *exprCompiler) {
switch _ := a.t.rep().(type) {
case *uintType:
lf := l.asUint();
rf := r.asUint();
a.evalUint = func(f *Frame) uint64 { return lf(f) &^ rf(f) };
case *intType:
lf := l.asInt();
rf := r.asInt();
a.evalInt = func(f *Frame) int64 { return lf(f) &^ rf(f) };
case *idealIntType:
lf := l.asIdealInt();
rf := r.asIdealInt();
val := lf().AndNot(rf());
a.evalIdealInt = func() *bignum.Integer { return val };
log.Crashf("unexpected result type %v at %v", a.t, a.pos);
func (a *exprCompiler) genBinOpShl(l *exprCompiler, r *exprCompiler) {
switch _ := a.t.rep().(type) {
case *uintType:
lf := l.asUint();
rf := r.asUint();
a.evalUint = func(f *Frame) uint64 { return lf(f) << rf(f) };
case *intType:
lf := l.asInt();
rf := r.asUint();
a.evalInt = func(f *Frame) int64 { return lf(f) << rf(f) };
log.Crashf("unexpected result type %v at %v", a.t, a.pos);
func (a *exprCompiler) genBinOpShr(l *exprCompiler, r *exprCompiler) {
switch _ := a.t.rep().(type) {
case *uintType:
lf := l.asUint();
rf := r.asUint();
a.evalUint = func(f *Frame) uint64 { return lf(f) >> rf(f) };
case *intType:
lf := l.asInt();
rf := r.asUint();
a.evalInt = func(f *Frame) int64 { return lf(f) >> rf(f) };
log.Crashf("unexpected result type %v at %v", a.t, a.pos);
func genAssign(lt Type, r *exprCompiler) (func(lv Value, f *Frame)) {
switch _ := lt.rep().(type) {
case *boolType:
rf := r.asBool();
return func(lv Value, f *Frame) { lv.(BoolValue).Set(rf(f)) };
case *uintType:
rf := r.asUint();
return func(lv Value, f *Frame) { lv.(UintValue).Set(rf(f)) };
case *intType:
rf := r.asInt();
return func(lv Value, f *Frame) { lv.(IntValue).Set(rf(f)) };
case *floatType:
rf := r.asFloat();
return func(lv Value, f *Frame) { lv.(FloatValue).Set(rf(f)) };
case *stringType:
rf := r.asString();
return func(lv Value, f *Frame) { lv.(StringValue).Set(rf(f)) };
case *ArrayType:
rf := r.asArray();
return func(lv Value, f *Frame) { lv.Assign(rf(f)) };
case *PtrType:
rf := r.asPtr();
return func(lv Value, f *Frame) { lv.(PtrValue).Set(rf(f)) };
case *FuncType:
rf := r.asFunc();
return func(lv Value, f *Frame) { lv.(FuncValue).Set(rf(f)) };
log.Crashf("unexpected left operand type %v at %v", lt, r.pos);