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"Title": "Go 1.15 Release Notes",
"Path": "/doc/go1.15"
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<h2 id="introduction">DRAFT RELEASE NOTES — Introduction to Go 1.15</h2>
Go 1.15 is not yet released. These are work-in-progress
release notes. Go 1.15 is expected to be released in August 2020.
<h2 id="language">Changes to the language</h2>
<h2 id="ports">Ports</h2>
<h2 id="tools">Tools</h2>
<h3 id="go-command">Go command</h3>
<p><!-- golang.org/issue/37367 -->
The <code>GOPROXY</code> environment variable now supports skipping proxies
that return errors. Proxy URLs may now be separated with either commas
(<code>,</code>) or pipe characters (<code>|</code>). If a proxy URL is
followed by a comma, the <code>go</code> command will only try the next proxy
in the list after a 404 or 410 HTTP response. If a proxy URL is followed by a
pipe character, the <code>go</code> command will try the next proxy in the
list after any error. Note that the default value of <code>GOPROXY</code>
remains <code>https://proxy.golang.org,direct</code>, which does not fall
back to <code>direct</code> in case of errors.
<h4 id="go-test"><code>go</code> <code>test</code></h4>
<p><!-- https://golang.org/issue/36134 -->
Changing the <code>-timeout</code> flag now invalidates cached test results. A
cached result for a test run with a long timeout will no longer count as
passing when <code>go</code> <code>test</code> is re-invoked with a short one.
<h4 id="go-flag-parsing">Flag parsing</h4>
<p><!-- https://golang.org/cl/211358 -->
Various flag parsing issues in <code>go</code> <code>test</code> and
<code>go</code> <code>vet</code> have been fixed. Notably, flags specified
in <code>GOFLAGS</code> are handled more consistently, and
the <code>-outputdir</code> flag now interprets relative paths relative to the
working directory of the <code>go</code> command (rather than the working
directory of each individual test).
<h2 id="runtime">Runtime</h2>
<h2 id="library">Core library</h2>
<h3 id="time/tzdata">New embedded tzdata package</h3>
<p> <!-- CL 224588 -->
Go 1.15 includes a new package,
<a href="/pkg/time/tzdata/"><code>time/tzdata</code></a>,
that permits embedding the timezone database into a program.
Importing this package (as <code>import _ "time/tzdata"</code>)
permits the program to find timezone information even if the
timezone database is not available on the local system.
You can also embed the timezone database by building
with <code>-tags timetzdata</code>.
Either approach increases the size of the program by about 800 KB.
<dl id="testing"><dt><a href="/pkg/testing/">testing</a></dt>
<p><!-- golang.org/issue/28135 -->
The <code>testing.T</code> type now has a <code>Deadline</code> method
that reports the time at which the test binary will have exceeded its
<p><!-- golang.org/issue/34129 -->
A <code>TestMain</code> function is no longer required to call
<code>os.Exit</code>. If a <code>TestMain</code> function returns,
the test binary will call <code>os.Exit</code> with the value returned
by <code>m.Run</code>.
</dl><!-- testing -->
<h3 id="minor_library_changes">Minor changes to the library</h3>
As always, there are various minor changes and updates to the library,
made with the Go 1 <a href="/doc/go1compat">promise of compatibility</a>
in mind.
<dl id="crypto/tls"><dt><a href="/crypto/tls/">crypto/tls</a></dt>
<p><!-- CL 214977 -->
The new
<a href="/pkg/crypto/tls/#Dialer"><code>Dialer</code></a>
type and its
<a href="/pkg/crypto/tls/#Dialer.DialContext"><code>DialContext</code></a>
method permits using a context to both connect and handshake with a TLS server.
<dl id="flag"><dt><a href="/pkg/flag/">flag</a></dt>
<p><!-- CL 221427 -->
When the flag package sees <code>-h</code> or <code>-help</code>, and
those flags are not defined, the flag package prints a usage message.
If the <a href="/pkg/flag/#FlagSet"><code>FlagSet</code></a> was created with
<a href="/pkg/flag/#ExitOnError"><code>ExitOnError</code></a>,
<a href="/pkg/flag/#FlagSet.Parse"><code>FlagSet.Parse</code></a> would then
exit with a status of 2. In this release, the exit status for <code>-h</code>
or <code>-help</code> has been changed to 0. In particular, this applies to
the default handling of command line flags.
<dl id="net/url"><dt><a href="/pkg/net/url/">net/url</a></dt>
<p><!-- CL 227645 -->
The new <a href="/pkg/net/url/#URL"><code>URL</code></a> field
<code>RawFragment</code> and method <a href="/pkg/net/url/#URL.EscapedFragment"><code>EscapedFragment</code></a>
provide detail about and control over the exact encoding of a particular fragment.
These are analogous to
<code>RawPath</code> and <a href="/pkg/net/url/#URL.EscapedPath"><code>EscapedPath</code></a>.
<p><!-- CL 207082 -->
The new <a href="/pkg/net/url/#URL"><code>URL</code></a>
method <a href="/pkg/net/url/#URL.Redacted"><code>Redacted</code></a>
returns the URL in string form with any password replaced with <code>xxxxx</code>.
<dl id="reflect"><dt><a href="/pkg/reflect/">reflect</a></dt>
<p><!-- CL 228902 -->
Package reflect now disallows accessing methods of all
non-exported fields, whereas previously it allowed accessing
those of non-exported, embedded fields. Code that relies on the
previous behavior should be updated to instead access the
corresponding promoted method of the enclosing variable.
<dl id="pkg-runtime"><dt><a href="/pkg/runtime/">runtime</a></dt>
<p><!-- CL 221779 -->
If <code>panic</code> is invoked with a value whose type is derived from any
of: <code>bool</code>, <code>complex64</code>, <code>complex128</code>, <code>float32</code>, <code>float64</code>,
<code>int</code>, <code>int8</code>, <code>int16</code>, <code>int32</code>, <code>int64</code>, <code>string</code>,
<code>uint</code>, <code>uint8</code>, <code>uint16</code>, <code>uint32</code>, <code>uint64</code>, <code>uintptr</code>,
then the value will be printed, instead of just its address.
<p><!-- CL -->
On a Unix system, if the <code>kill</code> command
or <code>kill</code> system call is used to send
a <code>SIGSEGV</code>, <code>SIGBUS</code>,
or <code>SIGFPE</code> signal to a Go program, and if the signal
is not being handled via
<a href="/pkg/os/signal/#Notify"><code>os/signal.Notify</code></a>,
the Go program will now reliably crash with a stack trace.
In earlier releases the behavior was unpredictable.
<dl id="sync"><dt><a href="/pkg/sync/">sync</a></dt>
<p><!-- CL 205899, golang.org/issue/33762 -->
The new method
<a href="/pkg/sync/#Map.LoadAndDelete"><code>Map.LoadAndDelete</code></a>
atomically deletes a key and returns the previous value if present.
<p><!-- CL 205899 -->
The method
<a href="/pkg/sync/#Map.Delete"><code>Map.Delete</code></a>
is more efficient.
</dl><!-- sync -->
<dl id="testing"><dt><a href="/pkg/testing/">testing</a></dt>
<p><!-- CL 226877, golang.org/issue/35998 -->
The new methods
<a href="/pkg/testing/#T.TempDir"><code>T.TempDir</code></a> and
<a href="/pkg/testing/#B.TempDir"><code>B.TempDir</code></a> and
return temporary directories that are automatically cleaned up
at the end of the test.
</dl><!-- testing -->
<dl id="time"><dt><a href="/pkg/time/">time</a></dt>
<p><!-- CL 220424, CL 217362, golang.org/issue/33184 -->
The new method
<a href="/pkg/time/#Ticker.Reset"><code>Ticker.Reset</code></a>
supports changing the duration of a ticker.
</dl><!-- time -->