funcf1(p*int){// ERROR "from \[3\]\*int literal \(array literal element\) at escape_because.go:34$" "from a \(assigned\) at escape_because.go:34$" "from a \(interface-converted\) at escape_because.go:35$" "from sink \(assigned to top level variable\) at escape_because.go:35$" "leaking param: p$"
funcf2(q*int){// ERROR "from &u \(address-of\) at escape_because.go:43$" "from &u \(interface-converted\) at escape_because.go:43$" "from pair literal \(struct literal element\) at escape_because.go:41$" "from s \(assigned\) at escape_because.go:40$" "from sink \(assigned to top level variable\) at escape_because.go:43$" "from t \(assigned\) at escape_because.go:41$" "from u \(assigned\) at escape_because.go:42$" "leaking param: q$"
sink=&u// ERROR "&u escapes to heap$" "from &u \(interface-converted\) at escape_because.go:43$" "from sink \(assigned to top level variable\) at escape_because.go:43$"
funcf3(r*int)interface{}{// ERROR "from \[\]\*int literal \(slice-literal-element\) at escape_because.go:47$" "from c \(assigned\) at escape_because.go:47$" "from c \(interface-converted\) at escape_because.go:48$" "from ~r1 \(return\) at escape_because.go:48$" "leaking param: r to result ~r1 level=-1$"
c:=[]*int{r}// ERROR "\[\]\*int literal escapes to heap$" "from c \(assigned\) at escape_because.go:47$" "from c \(interface-converted\) at escape_because.go:48$" "from ~r1 \(return\) at escape_because.go:48$"
returnc// "return" // ERROR "c escapes to heap$" "from ~r1 \(return\) at escape_because.go:48$"
returnf8(*y,&x)// ERROR "&x escapes to heap$" "from y \(arg to recursive call\) at escape_because.go:81$" "from ~r2 \(return\) at escape_because.go:78$" "from ~r2 \(returned from recursive function\) at escape_because.go:76$"
funcf9(xint,y...*int)*int{// ERROR "from y\[0\] \(dot of pointer\) at escape_because.go:86$" "from ~r2 \(return\) at escape_because.go:86$" "from ~r2 \(returned from recursive function\) at escape_because.go:84$" "leaking param content: y$" "leaking param: y to result ~r2 level=1$" "moved to heap: x$"
returnf9(*y[0],&x)// ERROR "&x escapes to heap$" "f9 ... argument does not escape$" "from ... argument \(... arg to recursive call\) at escape_because.go:89$"
funcf10(xmap[*int]*int,y,z*int)*int{// ERROR "f10 x does not escape$" "from x\[y\] \(key of map put\) at escape_because.go:93$" "from x\[y\] \(value of map put\) at escape_because.go:93$" "leaking param: y$" "leaking param: z$"
funcf11(xmap[*int]*int,y,z*int)map[*int]*int{// ERROR "f11 x does not escape$" "from map\[\*int\]\*int literal \(map literal key\) at escape_because.go:98$" "from map\[\*int\]\*int literal \(map literal value\) at escape_because.go:98$" "leaking param: y$" "leaking param: z$"
returnmap[*int]*int{y:z}// ERROR "from ~r3 \(return\) at escape_because.go:98$" "map\[\*int\]\*int literal escapes to heap$"
b:=[]byte("test")// ERROR "\(\[\]byte\)\(.test.\) escapes to heap$" "from b \(assigned\) at escape_because.go:102$" "from b \(passed to call\[argument escapes\]\) at escape_because.go:103$"
funcescape(b[]byte){// ERROR "from panic\(b\) \(panic\) at escape_because.go:107$" "leaking param: b$"
b:=[]byte("test")// ERROR "\(\[\]byte\)\(.test.\) escapes to heap$" "from .out0 \(passed-to-and-returned-from-call\) at escape_because.go:112$" "from b \(assigned\) at escape_because.go:111$" "from c \(assigned\) at escape_because.go:112$" "from c \(passed to call\[argument escapes\]\) at escape_because.go:113$"
functransmit(b[]byte)[]byte{// ERROR "from ~r1 \(return\) at escape_because.go:118$" "leaking param: b to result ~r1 level=0$"