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// Copyright 2014 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Package intsets provides Sparse, a compact and fast representation
// for sparse sets of int values.
// The time complexity of the operations Len, Insert, Remove and Has
// is in O(n) but in practice those methods are faster and more
// space-efficient than equivalent operations on sets based on the Go
// map type. The IsEmpty, Min, Max, Clear and TakeMin operations
// require constant time.
package intsets // import "golang.org/x/tools/container/intsets"
// TODO(adonovan):
// - Add SymmetricDifference(x, y *Sparse), i.e. x ∆ y.
// - Add SubsetOf (xy=∅) and Intersects (x∩y≠∅) predicates.
// - Add InsertAll(...int), RemoveAll(...int)
// - Add 'bool changed' results for {Intersection,Difference}With too.
// TODO(adonovan): implement Dense, a dense bit vector with a similar API.
// The space usage would be proportional to Max(), not Len(), and the
// implementation would be based upon big.Int.
// TODO(adonovan): experiment with making the root block indirect (nil
// iff IsEmpty). This would reduce the memory usage when empty and
// might simplify the aliasing invariants.
// TODO(adonovan): opt: make UnionWith and Difference faster.
// These are the hot-spots for go/pointer.
import (
// A Sparse is a set of int values.
// Sparse operations (even queries) are not concurrency-safe.
// The zero value for Sparse is a valid empty set.
// Sparse sets must be copied using the Copy method, not by assigning
// a Sparse value.
type Sparse struct {
// An uninitialized Sparse represents an empty set.
// An empty set may also be represented by
// root.next == root.prev == &root.
// In a non-empty set, root.next points to the first block and
// root.prev to the last.
// root.offset and root.bits are unused.
root block
type word uintptr
const (
_m = ^word(0)
bitsPerWord = 8 << (_m>>8&1 + _m>>16&1 + _m>>32&1)
bitsPerBlock = 256 // optimal value for go/pointer solver performance
wordsPerBlock = bitsPerBlock / bitsPerWord
// Limit values of implementation-specific int type.
const (
MaxInt = int(^uint(0) >> 1)
MinInt = -MaxInt - 1
// -- block ------------------------------------------------------------
// A set is represented as a circular doubly-linked list of blocks,
// each containing an offset and a bit array of fixed size
// bitsPerBlock; the blocks are ordered by increasing offset.
// The set contains an element x iff the block whose offset is x - (x
// mod bitsPerBlock) has the bit (x mod bitsPerBlock) set, where mod
// is the Euclidean remainder.
// A block may only be empty transiently.
type block struct {
offset int // offset mod bitsPerBlock == 0
bits [wordsPerBlock]word // contains at least one set bit
next, prev *block // doubly-linked list of blocks
// wordMask returns the word index (in block.bits)
// and single-bit mask for the block's ith bit.
func wordMask(i uint) (w uint, mask word) {
w = i / bitsPerWord
mask = 1 << (i % bitsPerWord)
// insert sets the block b's ith bit and
// returns true if it was not already set.
func (b *block) insert(i uint) bool {
w, mask := wordMask(i)
if b.bits[w]&mask == 0 {
b.bits[w] |= mask
return true
return false
// remove clears the block's ith bit and
// returns true if the bit was previously set.
// NB: may leave the block empty.
func (b *block) remove(i uint) bool {
w, mask := wordMask(i)
if b.bits[w]&mask != 0 {
b.bits[w] &^= mask
return true
return false
// has reports whether the block's ith bit is set.
func (b *block) has(i uint) bool {
w, mask := wordMask(i)
return b.bits[w]&mask != 0
// empty reports whether b.len()==0, but more efficiently.
func (b *block) empty() bool {
for _, w := range b.bits {
if w != 0 {
return false
return true
// len returns the number of set bits in block b.
func (b *block) len() int {
var l int
for _, w := range b.bits {
l += popcount(w)
return l
// max returns the maximum element of the block.
// The block must not be empty.
func (b *block) max() int {
bi := b.offset + bitsPerBlock
// Decrement bi by number of high zeros in last.bits.
for i := len(b.bits) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
if w := b.bits[i]; w != 0 {
return bi - nlz(w) - 1
bi -= bitsPerWord
panic("BUG: empty block")
// min returns the minimum element of the block,
// and also removes it if take is set.
// The block must not be initially empty.
// NB: may leave the block empty.
func (b *block) min(take bool) int {
for i, w := range b.bits {
if w != 0 {
tz := ntz(w)
if take {
b.bits[i] = w &^ (1 << uint(tz))
return b.offset + int(i*bitsPerWord) + tz
panic("BUG: empty block")
// forEach calls f for each element of block b.
// f must not mutate b's enclosing Sparse.
func (b *block) forEach(f func(int)) {
for i, w := range b.bits {
offset := b.offset + i*bitsPerWord
for bi := 0; w != 0 && bi < bitsPerWord; bi++ {
if w&1 != 0 {
w >>= 1
// offsetAndBitIndex returns the offset of the block that would
// contain x and the bit index of x within that block.
func offsetAndBitIndex(x int) (int, uint) {
mod := x % bitsPerBlock
if mod < 0 {
// Euclidean (non-negative) remainder
mod += bitsPerBlock
return x - mod, uint(mod)
// -- Sparse --------------------------------------------------------------
// start returns the root's next block, which is the root block
// (if s.IsEmpty()) or the first true block otherwise.
// start has the side effect of ensuring that s is properly
// initialized.
func (s *Sparse) start() *block {
root := &s.root
if root.next == nil {
root.next = root
root.prev = root
} else if root.next.prev != root {
// Copying a Sparse x leads to pernicious corruption: the
// new Sparse y shares the old linked list, but iteration
// on y will never encounter &y.root so it goes into a
// loop. Fail fast before this occurs.
panic("A Sparse has been copied without (*Sparse).Copy()")
return root.next
// IsEmpty reports whether the set s is empty.
func (s *Sparse) IsEmpty() bool {
return s.start() == &s.root
// Len returns the number of elements in the set s.
func (s *Sparse) Len() int {
var l int
for b := s.start(); b != &s.root; b = b.next {
l += b.len()
return l
// Max returns the maximum element of the set s, or MinInt if s is empty.
func (s *Sparse) Max() int {
if s.IsEmpty() {
return MinInt
return s.root.prev.max()
// Min returns the minimum element of the set s, or MaxInt if s is empty.
func (s *Sparse) Min() int {
if s.IsEmpty() {
return MaxInt
return s.root.next.min(false)
// block returns the block that would contain offset,
// or nil if s contains no such block.
func (s *Sparse) block(offset int) *block {
b := s.start()
for b != &s.root && b.offset <= offset {
if b.offset == offset {
return b
b = b.next
return nil
// Insert adds x to the set s, and reports whether the set grew.
func (s *Sparse) Insert(x int) bool {
offset, i := offsetAndBitIndex(x)
b := s.start()
for b != &s.root && b.offset <= offset {
if b.offset == offset {
return b.insert(i)
b = b.next
// Insert new block before b.
new := &block{offset: offset}
new.next = b
new.prev = b.prev
new.prev.next = new
new.next.prev = new
return new.insert(i)
func (s *Sparse) removeBlock(b *block) {
b.prev.next = b.next
b.next.prev = b.prev
// Remove removes x from the set s, and reports whether the set shrank.
func (s *Sparse) Remove(x int) bool {
offset, i := offsetAndBitIndex(x)
if b := s.block(offset); b != nil {
if !b.remove(i) {
return false
if b.empty() {
return true
return false
// Clear removes all elements from the set s.
func (s *Sparse) Clear() {
s.root.next = &s.root
s.root.prev = &s.root
// If set s is non-empty, TakeMin sets *p to the minimum element of
// the set s, removes that element from the set and returns true.
// Otherwise, it returns false and *p is undefined.
// This method may be used for iteration over a worklist like so:
// var x int
// for worklist.TakeMin(&x) { use(x) }
func (s *Sparse) TakeMin(p *int) bool {
head := s.start()
if head == &s.root {
return false
*p = head.min(true)
if head.empty() {
return true
// Has reports whether x is an element of the set s.
func (s *Sparse) Has(x int) bool {
offset, i := offsetAndBitIndex(x)
if b := s.block(offset); b != nil {
return b.has(i)
return false
// forEach applies function f to each element of the set s in order.
// f must not mutate s. Consequently, forEach is not safe to expose
// to clients. In any case, using "range s.AppendTo()" allows more
// natural control flow with continue/break/return.
func (s *Sparse) forEach(f func(int)) {
for b := s.start(); b != &s.root; b = b.next {
// Copy sets s to the value of x.
func (s *Sparse) Copy(x *Sparse) {
if s == x {
xb := x.start()
sb := s.start()
for xb != &x.root {
if sb == &s.root {
sb = s.insertBlockBefore(sb)
sb.offset = xb.offset
sb.bits = xb.bits
xb = xb.next
sb = sb.next
// insertBlockBefore returns a new block, inserting it before next.
func (s *Sparse) insertBlockBefore(next *block) *block {
b := new(block)
b.next = next
b.prev = next.prev
b.prev.next = b
next.prev = b
return b
// discardTail removes block b and all its successors from s.
func (s *Sparse) discardTail(b *block) {
if b != &s.root {
b.prev.next = &s.root
s.root.prev = b.prev
// IntersectionWith sets s to the intersection s ∩ x.
func (s *Sparse) IntersectionWith(x *Sparse) {
if s == x {
xb := x.start()
sb := s.start()
for xb != &x.root && sb != &s.root {
switch {
case xb.offset < sb.offset:
xb = xb.next
case xb.offset > sb.offset:
sb = sb.next
var sum word
for i := range sb.bits {
r := xb.bits[i] & sb.bits[i]
sb.bits[i] = r
sum |= r
if sum != 0 {
sb = sb.next
} else {
// sb will be overwritten or removed
xb = xb.next
// Intersection sets s to the intersection x ∩ y.
func (s *Sparse) Intersection(x, y *Sparse) {
switch {
case s == x:
case s == y:
case x == y:
xb := x.start()
yb := y.start()
sb := s.start()
for xb != &x.root && yb != &y.root {
switch {
case xb.offset < yb.offset:
xb = xb.next
case xb.offset > yb.offset:
yb = yb.next
if sb == &s.root {
sb = s.insertBlockBefore(sb)
sb.offset = xb.offset
var sum word
for i := range sb.bits {
r := xb.bits[i] & yb.bits[i]
sb.bits[i] = r
sum |= r
if sum != 0 {
sb = sb.next
} else {
// sb will be overwritten or removed
xb = xb.next
yb = yb.next
// UnionWith sets s to the union s x, and reports whether s grew.
func (s *Sparse) UnionWith(x *Sparse) bool {
if s == x {
return false
var changed bool
xb := x.start()
sb := s.start()
for xb != &x.root {
if sb != &s.root && sb.offset == xb.offset {
for i := range xb.bits {
if sb.bits[i] != xb.bits[i] {
sb.bits[i] |= xb.bits[i]
changed = true
xb = xb.next
} else if sb == &s.root || sb.offset > xb.offset {
sb = s.insertBlockBefore(sb)
sb.offset = xb.offset
sb.bits = xb.bits
changed = true
xb = xb.next
sb = sb.next
return changed
// Union sets s to the union x y.
func (s *Sparse) Union(x, y *Sparse) {
switch {
case x == y:
case s == x:
case s == y:
xb := x.start()
yb := y.start()
sb := s.start()
for xb != &x.root || yb != &y.root {
if sb == &s.root {
sb = s.insertBlockBefore(sb)
switch {
case yb == &y.root || (xb != &x.root && xb.offset < yb.offset):
sb.offset = xb.offset
sb.bits = xb.bits
xb = xb.next
case xb == &x.root || (yb != &y.root && yb.offset < xb.offset):
sb.offset = yb.offset
sb.bits = yb.bits
yb = yb.next
sb.offset = xb.offset
for i := range xb.bits {
sb.bits[i] = xb.bits[i] | yb.bits[i]
xb = xb.next
yb = yb.next
sb = sb.next
// DifferenceWith sets s to the difference s x.
func (s *Sparse) DifferenceWith(x *Sparse) {
if s == x {
xb := x.start()
sb := s.start()
for xb != &x.root && sb != &s.root {
switch {
case xb.offset > sb.offset:
sb = sb.next
case xb.offset < sb.offset:
xb = xb.next
var sum word
for i := range sb.bits {
r := sb.bits[i] & ^xb.bits[i]
sb.bits[i] = r
sum |= r
sb = sb.next
xb = xb.next
if sum == 0 {
// Difference sets s to the difference x y.
func (s *Sparse) Difference(x, y *Sparse) {
switch {
case x == y:
case s == x:
case s == y:
var y2 Sparse
s.Difference(x, &y2)
xb := x.start()
yb := y.start()
sb := s.start()
for xb != &x.root && yb != &y.root {
if xb.offset > yb.offset {
// y has block, x has none
yb = yb.next
if sb == &s.root {
sb = s.insertBlockBefore(sb)
sb.offset = xb.offset
switch {
case xb.offset < yb.offset:
// x has block, y has none
sb.bits = xb.bits
sb = sb.next
// x and y have corresponding blocks
var sum word
for i := range sb.bits {
r := xb.bits[i] & ^yb.bits[i]
sb.bits[i] = r
sum |= r
if sum != 0 {
sb = sb.next
} else {
// sb will be overwritten or removed
yb = yb.next
xb = xb.next
for xb != &x.root {
if sb == &s.root {
sb = s.insertBlockBefore(sb)
sb.offset = xb.offset
sb.bits = xb.bits
sb = sb.next
xb = xb.next
// Equals reports whether the sets s and t have the same elements.
func (s *Sparse) Equals(t *Sparse) bool {
if s == t {
return true
sb := s.start()
tb := t.start()
for {
switch {
case sb == &s.root && tb == &t.root:
return true
case sb == &s.root || tb == &t.root:
return false
case sb.offset != tb.offset:
return false
case sb.bits != tb.bits:
return false
sb = sb.next
tb = tb.next
// String returns a human-readable description of the set s.
func (s *Sparse) String() string {
var buf bytes.Buffer
s.forEach(func(x int) {
if buf.Len() > 1 {
buf.WriteByte(' ')
fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "%d", x)
return buf.String()
// BitString returns the set as a string of 1s and 0s denoting the sum
// of the i'th powers of 2, for each i in s. A radix point, always
// preceded by a digit, appears if the sum is non-integral.
// Examples:
// {}.BitString() = "0"
// {4,5}.BitString() = "110000"
// {-3}.BitString() = "0.001"
// {-3,0,4,5}.BitString() = "110001.001"
func (s *Sparse) BitString() string {
if s.IsEmpty() {
return "0"
min, max := s.Min(), s.Max()
var nbytes int
if max > 0 {
nbytes = max
nbytes++ // zero bit
radix := nbytes
if min < 0 {
nbytes += len(".") - min
b := make([]byte, nbytes)
for i := range b {
b[i] = '0'
if radix < nbytes {
b[radix] = '.'
s.forEach(func(x int) {
if x >= 0 {
x += len(".")
b[radix-x] = '1'
return string(b)
// GoString returns a string showing the internal representation of
// the set s.
func (s *Sparse) GoString() string {
var buf bytes.Buffer
for b := s.start(); b != &s.root; b = b.next {
fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "block %p {offset=%d next=%p prev=%p",
b, b.offset, b.next, b.prev)
for _, w := range b.bits {
fmt.Fprintf(&buf, " 0%016x", w)
fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "}\n")
return buf.String()
// AppendTo returns the result of appending the elements of s to slice
// in order.
func (s *Sparse) AppendTo(slice []int) []int {
s.forEach(func(x int) {
slice = append(slice, x)
return slice
// -- Testing/debugging ------------------------------------------------
// check returns an error if the representation invariants of s are violated.
func (s *Sparse) check() error {
if !s.root.empty() {
return fmt.Errorf("non-empty root block")
if s.root.offset != 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("root block has non-zero offset %d", s.root.offset)
for b := s.start(); b != &s.root; b = b.next {
if b.offset%bitsPerBlock != 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("bad offset modulo: %d", b.offset)
if b.empty() {
return fmt.Errorf("empty block")
if b.prev.next != b {
return fmt.Errorf("bad prev.next link")
if b.next.prev != b {
return fmt.Errorf("bad next.prev link")
if b.prev != &s.root {
if b.offset <= b.prev.offset {
return fmt.Errorf("bad offset order: b.offset=%d, prev.offset=%d",
b.offset, b.prev.offset)
return nil