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// Copyright 2014 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Package analysis performs type and pointer analysis
// and generates mark-up for the Go source view.
// The Run method populates a Result object by running type and
// (optionally) pointer analysis. The Result object is thread-safe
// and at all times may be accessed by a serving thread, even as it is
// progressively populated as analysis facts are derived.
// The Result is a mapping from each godoc file URL
// (e.g. /src/fmt/print.go) to information about that file. The
// information is a list of HTML markup links and a JSON array of
// structured data values. Some of the links call client-side
// JavaScript functions that index this array.
// The analysis computes mark-up for the following relations:
// IMPORTS: for each ast.ImportSpec, the package that it denotes.
// RESOLUTION: for each ast.Ident, its kind and type, and the location
// of its definition.
// METHOD SETS, IMPLEMENTS: for each ast.Ident defining a named type,
// its method-set, the set of interfaces it implements or is
// implemented by, and its size/align values.
// CALLERS, CALLEES: for each function declaration ('func' token), its
// callers, and for each call-site ('(' token), its callees.
// CALLGRAPH: the package docs include an interactive viewer for the
// intra-package call graph of "fmt".
// CHANNEL PEERS: for each channel operation make/<-/close, the set of
// other channel ops that alias the same channel(s).
// ERRORS: for each locus of a frontend (scanner/parser/type) error, the
// location is highlighted in red and hover text provides the compiler
// error message.
package analysis // import "golang.org/x/tools/godoc/analysis"
import (
// -- links ------------------------------------------------------------
// A Link is an HTML decoration of the bytes [Start, End) of a file.
// Write is called before/after those bytes to emit the mark-up.
type Link interface {
Start() int
End() int
Write(w io.Writer, _ int, start bool) // the godoc.LinkWriter signature
// An <a> element.
type aLink struct {
start, end int // =godoc.Segment
title string // hover text
onclick string // JS code (NB: trusted)
href string // URL (NB: trusted)
func (a aLink) Start() int { return a.start }
func (a aLink) End() int { return a.end }
func (a aLink) Write(w io.Writer, _ int, start bool) {
if start {
fmt.Fprintf(w, `<a title='%s'`, html.EscapeString(a.title))
if a.onclick != "" {
fmt.Fprintf(w, ` onclick='%s'`, html.EscapeString(a.onclick))
if a.href != "" {
// TODO(adonovan): I think that in principle, a.href must first be
// url.QueryEscape'd, but if I do that, a leading slash becomes "%2F",
// which causes the browser to treat the path as relative, not absolute.
// WTF?
fmt.Fprintf(w, ` href='%s'`, html.EscapeString(a.href))
fmt.Fprintf(w, ">")
} else {
fmt.Fprintf(w, "</a>")
// An <a class='error'> element.
type errorLink struct {
start int
msg string
func (e errorLink) Start() int { return e.start }
func (e errorLink) End() int { return e.start + 1 }
func (e errorLink) Write(w io.Writer, _ int, start bool) {
// <span> causes havoc, not sure why, so use <a>.
if start {
fmt.Fprintf(w, `<a class='error' title='%s'>`, html.EscapeString(e.msg))
} else {
fmt.Fprintf(w, "</a>")
// -- fileInfo ---------------------------------------------------------
// FileInfo holds analysis information for the source file view.
// Clients must not mutate it.
type FileInfo struct {
Data []interface{} // JSON serializable values
Links []Link // HTML link markup
// A fileInfo is the server's store of hyperlinks and JSON data for a
// particular file.
type fileInfo struct {
mu sync.Mutex
data []interface{} // JSON objects
links []Link
sorted bool
hasErrors bool // TODO(adonovan): surface this in the UI
// addLink adds a link to the Go source file fi.
func (fi *fileInfo) addLink(link Link) {
fi.links = append(fi.links, link)
fi.sorted = false
if _, ok := link.(errorLink); ok {
fi.hasErrors = true
// addData adds the structured value x to the JSON data for the Go
// source file fi. Its index is returned.
func (fi *fileInfo) addData(x interface{}) int {
index := len(fi.data)
fi.data = append(fi.data, x)
return index
// get returns the file info in external form.
// Callers must not mutate its fields.
func (fi *fileInfo) get() FileInfo {
var r FileInfo
// Copy slices, to avoid races.
r.Data = append(r.Data, fi.data...)
if !fi.sorted {
fi.sorted = true
r.Links = append(r.Links, fi.links...)
return r
// PackageInfo holds analysis information for the package view.
// Clients must not mutate it.
type PackageInfo struct {
CallGraph []*PCGNodeJSON
CallGraphIndex map[string]int
Types []*TypeInfoJSON
type pkgInfo struct {
mu sync.Mutex
callGraph []*PCGNodeJSON
callGraphIndex map[string]int // keys are (*ssa.Function).RelString()
types []*TypeInfoJSON // type info for exported types
func (pi *pkgInfo) setCallGraph(callGraph []*PCGNodeJSON, callGraphIndex map[string]int) {
pi.callGraph = callGraph
pi.callGraphIndex = callGraphIndex
func (pi *pkgInfo) addType(t *TypeInfoJSON) {
pi.types = append(pi.types, t)
// get returns the package info in external form.
// Callers must not mutate its fields.
func (pi *pkgInfo) get() PackageInfo {
var r PackageInfo
// Copy slices, to avoid races.
r.CallGraph = append(r.CallGraph, pi.callGraph...)
r.CallGraphIndex = pi.callGraphIndex
r.Types = append(r.Types, pi.types...)
return r
// -- Result -----------------------------------------------------------
// Result contains the results of analysis.
// The result contains a mapping from filenames to a set of HTML links
// and JavaScript data referenced by the links.
type Result struct {
mu sync.Mutex // guards maps (but not their contents)
status string // global analysis status
fileInfos map[string]*fileInfo // keys are godoc file URLs
pkgInfos map[string]*pkgInfo // keys are import paths
// fileInfo returns the fileInfo for the specified godoc file URL,
// constructing it as needed. Thread-safe.
func (res *Result) fileInfo(url string) *fileInfo {
fi, ok := res.fileInfos[url]
if !ok {
if res.fileInfos == nil {
res.fileInfos = make(map[string]*fileInfo)
fi = new(fileInfo)
res.fileInfos[url] = fi
return fi
// Status returns a human-readable description of the current analysis status.
func (res *Result) Status() string {
defer res.mu.Unlock()
return res.status
func (res *Result) setStatusf(format string, args ...interface{}) {
res.status = fmt.Sprintf(format, args...)
log.Printf(format, args...)
// FileInfo returns new slices containing opaque JSON values and the
// HTML link markup for the specified godoc file URL. Thread-safe.
// Callers must not mutate the elements.
// It returns "zero" if no data is available.
func (res *Result) FileInfo(url string) (fi FileInfo) {
return res.fileInfo(url).get()
// pkgInfo returns the pkgInfo for the specified import path,
// constructing it as needed. Thread-safe.
func (res *Result) pkgInfo(importPath string) *pkgInfo {
pi, ok := res.pkgInfos[importPath]
if !ok {
if res.pkgInfos == nil {
res.pkgInfos = make(map[string]*pkgInfo)
pi = new(pkgInfo)
res.pkgInfos[importPath] = pi
return pi
// PackageInfo returns new slices of JSON values for the callgraph and
// type info for the specified package. Thread-safe.
// Callers must not mutate its fields.
// PackageInfo returns "zero" if no data is available.
func (res *Result) PackageInfo(importPath string) PackageInfo {
return res.pkgInfo(importPath).get()
// -- analysis ---------------------------------------------------------
type analysis struct {
result *Result
prog *ssa.Program
ops []chanOp // all channel ops in program
allNamed []*types.Named // all "defined" (formerly "named") types in the program
ptaConfig pointer.Config
path2url map[string]string // maps openable path to godoc file URL (/src/fmt/print.go)
pcgs map[*ssa.Package]*packageCallGraph
// fileAndOffset returns the file and offset for a given pos.
func (a *analysis) fileAndOffset(pos token.Pos) (fi *fileInfo, offset int) {
return a.fileAndOffsetPosn(a.prog.Fset.Position(pos))
// fileAndOffsetPosn returns the file and offset for a given position.
func (a *analysis) fileAndOffsetPosn(posn token.Position) (fi *fileInfo, offset int) {
url := a.path2url[posn.Filename]
return a.result.fileInfo(url), posn.Offset
// posURL returns the URL of the source extent [pos, pos+len).
func (a *analysis) posURL(pos token.Pos, len int) string {
if pos == token.NoPos {
return ""
posn := a.prog.Fset.Position(pos)
url := a.path2url[posn.Filename]
return fmt.Sprintf("%s?s=%d:%d#L%d",
url, posn.Offset, posn.Offset+len, posn.Line)
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Run runs program analysis and computes the resulting markup,
// populating *result in a thread-safe manner, first with type
// information then later with pointer analysis information if
// enabled by the pta flag.
func Run(pta bool, result *Result) {
conf := loader.Config{
AllowErrors: true,
// Silence the default error handler.
// Don't print all errors; we'll report just
// one per errant package later.
conf.TypeChecker.Error = func(e error) {}
var roots, args []string // roots[i] ends with os.PathSeparator
// Enumerate packages in $GOROOT.
root := filepath.Join(build.Default.GOROOT, "src") + string(os.PathSeparator)
roots = append(roots, root)
args = allPackages(root)
log.Printf("GOROOT=%s: %s\n", root, args)
// Enumerate packages in $GOPATH.
for i, dir := range filepath.SplitList(build.Default.GOPATH) {
root := filepath.Join(dir, "src") + string(os.PathSeparator)
roots = append(roots, root)
pkgs := allPackages(root)
log.Printf("GOPATH[%d]=%s: %s\n", i, root, pkgs)
args = append(args, pkgs...)
// Uncomment to make startup quicker during debugging.
//args = []string{"golang.org/x/tools/cmd/godoc"}
//args = []string{"fmt"}
if _, err := conf.FromArgs(args, true); err != nil {
// TODO(adonovan): degrade gracefully, not fail totally.
// (The crippling case is a parse error in an external test file.)
result.setStatusf("Analysis failed: %s.", err) // import error
result.setStatusf("Loading and type-checking packages...")
iprog, err := conf.Load()
if iprog != nil {
// Report only the first error of each package.
for _, info := range iprog.AllPackages {
for _, err := range info.Errors {
fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, err)
log.Printf("Loaded %d packages.", len(iprog.AllPackages))
if err != nil {
result.setStatusf("Loading failed: %s.\n", err)
// Create SSA-form program representation.
// Only the transitively error-free packages are used.
prog := ssautil.CreateProgram(iprog, ssa.GlobalDebug)
// Create a "testmain" package for each package with tests.
for _, pkg := range prog.AllPackages() {
if testmain := prog.CreateTestMainPackage(pkg); testmain != nil {
log.Printf("Adding tests for %s", pkg.Pkg.Path())
// Build SSA code for bodies of all functions in the whole program.
result.setStatusf("Constructing SSA form...")
log.Print("SSA construction complete")
a := analysis{
result: result,
prog: prog,
pcgs: make(map[*ssa.Package]*packageCallGraph),
// Build a mapping from openable filenames to godoc file URLs,
// i.e. "/src/" plus path relative to GOROOT/src or GOPATH[i]/src.
a.path2url = make(map[string]string)
for _, info := range iprog.AllPackages {
for _, f := range info.Files {
if f.Pos() == 0 {
continue // e.g. files generated by cgo
abs := iprog.Fset.File(f.Pos()).Name()
// Find the root to which this file belongs.
for _, root := range roots {
rel := strings.TrimPrefix(abs, root)
if len(rel) < len(abs) {
a.path2url[abs] = "/src/" + filepath.ToSlash(rel)
continue nextfile
log.Printf("Can't locate file %s (package %q) beneath any root",
abs, info.Pkg.Path())
// Add links for scanner, parser, type-checker errors.
// TODO(adonovan): fix: these links can overlap with
// identifier markup, causing the renderer to emit some
// characters twice.
errors := make(map[token.Position][]string)
for _, info := range iprog.AllPackages {
for _, err := range info.Errors {
switch err := err.(type) {
case types.Error:
posn := a.prog.Fset.Position(err.Pos)
errors[posn] = append(errors[posn], err.Msg)
case scanner.ErrorList:
for _, e := range err {
errors[e.Pos] = append(errors[e.Pos], e.Msg)
log.Printf("Package %q has error (%T) without position: %v\n",
info.Pkg.Path(), err, err)
for posn, errs := range errors {
fi, offset := a.fileAndOffsetPosn(posn)
start: offset,
msg: strings.Join(errs, "\n"),
// ---------- type-based analyses ----------
// Compute the all-pairs IMPLEMENTS relation.
// Collect all named types, even local types
// (which can have methods via promotion)
// and the built-in "error".
errorType := types.Universe.Lookup("error").Type().(*types.Named)
a.allNamed = append(a.allNamed, errorType)
for _, info := range iprog.AllPackages {
for _, obj := range info.Defs {
if obj, ok := obj.(*types.TypeName); ok {
if named, ok := obj.Type().(*types.Named); ok {
a.allNamed = append(a.allNamed, named)
log.Print("Computing implements relation...")
facts := computeImplements(&a.prog.MethodSets, a.allNamed)
// Add the type-based analysis results.
log.Print("Extracting type info...")
for _, info := range iprog.AllPackages {
a.doTypeInfo(info, facts)
result.setStatusf("Type analysis complete.")
if pta {
mainPkgs := ssautil.MainPackages(prog.AllPackages())
log.Print("Transitively error-free main packages: ", mainPkgs)
// visitInstrs visits all SSA instructions in the program.
func (a *analysis) visitInstrs(pta bool) {
log.Print("Visit instructions...")
for fn := range ssautil.AllFunctions(a.prog) {
for _, b := range fn.Blocks {
for _, instr := range b.Instrs {
// CALLEES (static)
// (Dynamic calls require pointer analysis.)
// We use the SSA representation to find the static callee,
// since in many cases it does better than the
// types.Info.{Refs,Selection} information. For example:
// defer func(){}() // static call to anon function
// f := func(){}; f() // static call to anon function
// f := fmt.Println; f() // static call to named function
// The downside is that we get no static callee information
// for packages that (transitively) contain errors.
if site, ok := instr.(ssa.CallInstruction); ok {
if callee := site.Common().StaticCallee(); callee != nil {
// TODO(adonovan): callgraph: elide wrappers.
// (Do static calls ever go to wrappers?)
if site.Common().Pos() != token.NoPos {
a.addCallees(site, []*ssa.Function{callee})
if !pta {
// Collect send/receive/close instructions in the whole ssa.Program.
for _, op := range chanOps(instr) {
a.ops = append(a.ops, op)
a.ptaConfig.AddQuery(op.ch) // add channel ssa.Value to PTA query
log.Print("Visit instructions complete")
// pointer runs the pointer analysis.
func (a *analysis) pointer(mainPkgs []*ssa.Package) {
// Run the pointer analysis and build the complete callgraph.
a.ptaConfig.Mains = mainPkgs
a.ptaConfig.BuildCallGraph = true
a.ptaConfig.Reflection = false // (for now)
a.result.setStatusf("Pointer analysis running...")
ptares, err := pointer.Analyze(&a.ptaConfig)
if err != nil {
// If this happens, it indicates a bug.
a.result.setStatusf("Pointer analysis failed: %s.", err)
log.Print("Pointer analysis complete.")
// Add the results of pointer analysis.
a.result.setStatusf("Computing channel peers...")
a.result.setStatusf("Computing dynamic call graph edges...")
a.result.setStatusf("Analysis complete.")
type linksByStart []Link
func (a linksByStart) Less(i, j int) bool { return a[i].Start() < a[j].Start() }
func (a linksByStart) Swap(i, j int) { a[i], a[j] = a[j], a[i] }
func (a linksByStart) Len() int { return len(a) }
// allPackages returns a new sorted slice of all packages beneath the
// specified package root directory, e.g. $GOROOT/src or $GOPATH/src.
// Derived from from go/ssa/stdlib_test.go
// root must end with os.PathSeparator.
// TODO(adonovan): use buildutil.AllPackages when the tree thaws.
func allPackages(root string) []string {
var pkgs []string
filepath.Walk(root, func(path string, info os.FileInfo, err error) error {
if info == nil {
return nil // non-existent root directory?
if !info.IsDir() {
return nil // not a directory
// Prune the search if we encounter any of these names:
base := filepath.Base(path)
if base == "testdata" || strings.HasPrefix(base, ".") {
return filepath.SkipDir
pkg := filepath.ToSlash(strings.TrimPrefix(path, root))
switch pkg {
case "builtin":
return filepath.SkipDir
case "":
return nil // ignore root of tree
pkgs = append(pkgs, pkg)
return nil
return pkgs