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// Copyright 2018 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package source
import (
// FileIdentity uniquely identifies a file at a version from a FileSystem.
type FileIdentity struct {
URI span.URI
Version string
Kind FileKind
func (identity FileIdentity) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s%s%s", identity.URI, identity.Version, identity.Kind)
// FileHandle represents a handle to a specific version of a single file from
// a specific file system.
type FileHandle interface {
// FileSystem returns the file system this handle was acquired from.
FileSystem() FileSystem
// Identity returns the FileIdentity for the file.
Identity() FileIdentity
// Read reads the contents of a file and returns it along with its hash value.
// If the file is not available, returns a nil slice and an error.
Read(ctx context.Context) ([]byte, string, error)
// FileSystem is the interface to something that provides file contents.
type FileSystem interface {
// GetFile returns a handle for the specified file.
GetFile(uri span.URI, kind FileKind) FileHandle
// FileKind describes the kind of the file in question.
// It can be one of Go, mod, or sum.
type FileKind int
const (
Go = FileKind(iota)
// TokenHandle represents a handle to the *token.File for a file.
type TokenHandle interface {
// File returns a file handle for which to get the *token.File.
File() FileHandle
// Token returns the *token.File for the file.
Token(ctx context.Context) (*token.File, error)
// ParseGoHandle represents a handle to the AST for a file.
type ParseGoHandle interface {
// File returns a file handle for which to get the AST.
File() FileHandle
// Mode returns the parse mode of this handle.
Mode() ParseMode
// Parse returns the parsed AST for the file.
// If the file is not available, returns nil and an error.
Parse(ctx context.Context) (*ast.File, *protocol.ColumnMapper, error, error)
// Cached returns the AST for this handle, if it has already been stored.
Cached(ctx context.Context) (*ast.File, *protocol.ColumnMapper, error, error)
// ParseMode controls the content of the AST produced when parsing a source file.
type ParseMode int
const (
// ParseHeader specifies that the main package declaration and imports are needed.
// This is the mode used when attempting to examine the package graph structure.
ParseHeader = ParseMode(iota)
// ParseExported specifies that the public symbols are needed, but things like
// private symbols and function bodies are not.
// This mode is used for things where a package is being consumed only as a
// dependency.
// ParseFull specifies the full AST is needed.
// This is used for files of direct interest where the entire contents must
// be considered.
// CheckPackageHandle represents a handle to a specific version of a package.
// It is uniquely defined by the file handles that make up the package.
type CheckPackageHandle interface {
// ID returns the ID of the package associated with the CheckPackageHandle.
ID() string
// ParseGoHandle returns a ParseGoHandle for which to get the package.
Files() []ParseGoHandle
// Config is the *packages.Config that the package metadata was loaded with.
Config() *packages.Config
// Mode returns the ParseMode for all of the files in the CheckPackageHandle.
// The files should always have the same parse mode.
Mode() ParseMode
// Check returns the type-checked Package for the CheckPackageHandle.
Check(ctx context.Context) (Package, error)
// Cached returns the Package for the CheckPackageHandle if it has already been stored.
Cached(ctx context.Context) (Package, error)
MissingDependencies() []string
// Cache abstracts the core logic of dealing with the environment from the
// higher level logic that processes the information to produce results.
// The cache provides access to files and their contents, so the source
// package does not directly access the file system.
// A single cache is intended to be process wide, and is the primary point of
// sharing between all consumers.
// A cache may have many active sessions at any given time.
type Cache interface {
// A FileSystem that reads file contents from external storage.
// NewSession creates a new Session manager and returns it.
NewSession(ctx context.Context) Session
// FileSet returns the shared fileset used by all files in the system.
FileSet() *token.FileSet
// TokenHandle returns a TokenHandle for the given file handle.
TokenHandle(fh FileHandle) TokenHandle
// ParseGoHandle returns a ParseGoHandle for the given file handle.
ParseGoHandle(fh FileHandle, mode ParseMode) ParseGoHandle
// Session represents a single connection from a client.
// This is the level at which things like open files are maintained on behalf
// of the client.
// A session may have many active views at any given time.
type Session interface {
// NewView creates a new View and returns it.
NewView(ctx context.Context, name string, folder span.URI, options Options) View
// Cache returns the cache that created this session.
Cache() Cache
// View returns a view with a matching name, if the session has one.
View(name string) View
// ViewOf returns a view corresponding to the given URI.
ViewOf(uri span.URI) View
// Views returns the set of active views built by this session.
Views() []View
// Shutdown the session and all views it has created.
Shutdown(ctx context.Context)
// A FileSystem prefers the contents from overlays, and falls back to the
// content from the underlying cache if no overlay is present.
// DidOpen is invoked each time a file is opened in the editor.
DidOpen(ctx context.Context, uri span.URI, kind FileKind, text []byte)
// DidSave is invoked each time an open file is saved in the editor.
DidSave(uri span.URI)
// DidClose is invoked each time an open file is closed in the editor.
DidClose(uri span.URI)
// IsOpen returns whether the editor currently has a file open.
IsOpen(uri span.URI) bool
// Called to set the effective contents of a file from this session.
SetOverlay(uri span.URI, kind FileKind, data []byte) (wasFirstChange bool)
// DidChangeOutOfBand is called when a file under the root folder
// changes. The file is not necessarily open in the editor.
DidChangeOutOfBand(ctx context.Context, uri span.URI, change protocol.FileChangeType)
// Options returns a copy of the SessionOptions for this session.
Options() Options
// SetOptions sets the options of this session to new values.
// View represents a single workspace.
// This is the level at which we maintain configuration like working directory
// and build tags.
type View interface {
// Session returns the session that created this view.
Session() Session
// Name returns the name this view was constructed with.
Name() string
// Folder returns the root folder for this view.
Folder() span.URI
// BuiltinPackage returns the type information for the special "builtin" package.
BuiltinPackage() BuiltinPackage
// GetFile returns the file object for a given URI, initializing it
// if it is not already part of the view.
GetFile(ctx context.Context, uri span.URI) (File, error)
// FindFile returns the file object for a given URI if it is
// already part of the view.
FindFile(ctx context.Context, uri span.URI) File
// Called to set the effective contents of a file from this view.
SetContent(ctx context.Context, uri span.URI, content []byte) (wasFirstChange bool, err error)
// BackgroundContext returns a context used for all background processing
// on behalf of this view.
BackgroundContext() context.Context
// Shutdown closes this view, and detaches it from it's session.
Shutdown(ctx context.Context)
// Ignore returns true if this file should be ignored by this view.
Ignore(span.URI) bool
// Config returns the configuration for the view.
Config(ctx context.Context) *packages.Config
// RunProcessEnvFunc runs fn with the process env for this view inserted into opts.
// Note: the process env contains cached module and filesystem state.
RunProcessEnvFunc(ctx context.Context, fn func(*imports.Options) error, opts *imports.Options) error
// Options returns a copy of the Options for this view.
Options() Options
// SetOptions sets the options of this view to new values.
// Warning: Do not use this, unless in a test.
// This function does not correctly invalidate the view when needed.
// Analyzers returns the set of Analyzers active for this view.
Analyzers() []*analysis.Analyzer
// CheckPackageHandles returns the CheckPackageHandles for the packages
// that this file belongs to.
CheckPackageHandles(ctx context.Context, f File) (Snapshot, []CheckPackageHandle, error)
// GetActiveReverseDeps returns the active files belonging to the reverse
// dependencies of this file's package.
GetActiveReverseDeps(ctx context.Context, f File) []CheckPackageHandle
// Snapshot returns the current snapshot for the view.
Snapshot() Snapshot
// Snapshot represents the current state for the given view.
type Snapshot interface {
// Handle returns the FileHandle for the given file.
Handle(ctx context.Context, f File) FileHandle
// File represents a source file of any type.
type File interface {
URI() span.URI
Kind() FileKind
// Package represents a Go package that has been type-checked. It maintains
// only the relevant fields of a *go/packages.Package.
type Package interface {
ID() string
PkgPath() string
Files() []ParseGoHandle
File(uri span.URI) (ParseGoHandle, error)
GetSyntax(context.Context) []*ast.File
GetErrors() []packages.Error
GetTypes() *types.Package
GetTypesInfo() *types.Info
GetTypesSizes() types.Sizes
IsIllTyped() bool
SetDiagnostics(*analysis.Analyzer, []Diagnostic)
FindDiagnostic(protocol.Diagnostic) (*Diagnostic, error)
// GetImport returns the CheckPackageHandle for a package imported by this package.
GetImport(ctx context.Context, pkgPath string) (Package, error)
// GetActionGraph returns the action graph for the given package.
GetActionGraph(ctx context.Context, a *analysis.Analyzer) (*Action, error)
// FindFile returns the AST and type information for a file that may
// belong to or be part of a dependency of the given package.
FindFile(ctx context.Context, uri span.URI) (ParseGoHandle, Package, error)
type BuiltinPackage interface {
Lookup(name string) *ast.Object
Files() []ParseGoHandle