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// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// HTTP Request reading and parsing.
// The http package implements parsing of HTTP requests, replies,
// and URLs and provides an extensible HTTP server and a basic
// HTTP client.
package http
import (
const (
maxLineLength = 1024; // assumed < bufio.DefaultBufSize
maxValueLength = 1024;
maxHeaderLines = 1024;
// HTTP request parsing errors.
type ProtocolError struct {
2009-01-20 15:40:40 -07:00
var (
LineTooLong = &ProtocolError{"http header line too long"};
ValueTooLong = &ProtocolError{"http header value too long"};
HeaderTooLong = &ProtocolError{"http header too long"};
BadContentLength = &ProtocolError{"invalid content length"};
ShortEntityBody = &ProtocolError{"entity body too short"};
BadHeader = &ProtocolError{"malformed http header"};
BadRequest = &ProtocolError{"invalid http request"};
BadHTTPVersion = &ProtocolError{"unsupported http version"};
// A Request represents a parsed HTTP request header.
2009-01-20 15:40:40 -07:00
type Request struct {
Method string; // GET, POST, PUT, etc.
RawUrl string; // The raw URL given in the request.
Url *URL; // Parsed URL.
Proto string; // "HTTP/1.0"
ProtoMajor int; // 1
ProtoMinor int; // 0
// A header mapping request lines to their values.
// If the header says
// Accept-Language: en-us
// accept-encoding: gzip, deflate
// Connection: keep-alive
// then
// Header = map[string]string{
// "Accept-Encoding": "en-us",
// "Accept-Language": "gzip, deflate",
// "Connection": "keep-alive"
// }
// HTTP defines that header names are case-insensitive.
// The request parser implements this by canonicalizing the
// name, making the first character and any characters
// following a hyphen uppercase and the rest lowercase.
Header map[string] string;
// The message body.
Body io.Reader;
// Whether to close the connection after replying to this request.
Close bool;
// The host on which the URL is sought.
// Per RFC 2616, this is either the value of the Host: header
// or the host name given in the URL itself.
Host string;
// The referring URL, if sent in the request.
// Referer is misspelled as in the request itself,
// a mistake from the earliest days of HTTP.
// This value can also be fetched from the Header map
// as Header["Referer"]; the benefit of making it
// available as a structure field is that the compiler
// can diagnose programs that use the alternate
// (correct English) spelling req.Referrer but cannot
// diagnose programs that use Header["Referrer"].
Referer string;
// The User-Agent: header string, if sent in the request.
UserAgent string;
// ProtoAtLeast returns whether the HTTP protocol used
// in the request is at least major.minor.
func (r *Request) ProtoAtLeast(major, minor int) bool {
return r.ProtoMajor > major ||
r.ProtoMajor == major && r.ProtoMinor >= minor
// Return value if nonempty, def otherwise.
func valueOrDefault(value, def string) string {
if value != "" {
return value;
return def;
// TODO(rsc): Change default UserAgent before open-source release.
const defaultUserAgent = "http.Client";
// Write an HTTP request -- header and body -- in wire format.
// See Send for a list of which Request fields we use.
func (req *Request) write(w io.Writer) os.Error {
uri := "/" + URLEscape(req.Url.Path);
if req.Url.RawQuery != "" {
uri += "?" + req.Url.RawQuery;
fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s %s %s\r\n", valueOrDefault(req.Method, "GET"), uri, valueOrDefault(req.Proto, "HTTP/1.0"));
fmt.Fprintf(w, "Host: %s\r\n", req.Url.Host);
fmt.Fprintf(w, "User-Agent: %s\r\n", valueOrDefault(req.UserAgent, defaultUserAgent));
if (req.Referer != "") {
fmt.Fprintf(w, "Referer: %s\r\n", req.Referer);
// TODO: split long values? (If so, should share code with Conn.Write)
// TODO: if Header includes values for Host, User-Agent, or Referer, this
// may conflict with the User-Agent or Referer headers we add manually.
// One solution would be to remove the Host, UserAgent, and Referer fields
// from Request, and introduce Request methods along the lines of
// Response.{GetHeader,AddHeader} and string constants for "Host",
// "User-Agent" and "Referer".
for k, v := range req.Header {
io.WriteString(w, k + ": " + v + "\r\n");
io.WriteString(w, "\r\n");
if req.Body != nil {
nCopied, err := io.Copy(req.Body, w);
if err != nil && err != io.ErrEOF {
return err;
return nil;
// Read a line of bytes (up to \n) from b.
// Give up if the line exceeds maxLineLength.
// The returned bytes are a pointer into storage in
// the bufio, so they are only valid until the next bufio read.
func readLineBytes(b *bufio.Reader) (p []byte, err os.Error) {
if p, err = b.ReadLineSlice('\n'); err != nil {
return nil, err
if len(p) >= maxLineLength {
return nil, LineTooLong
// Chop off trailing white space.
var i int;
for i = len(p); i > 0; i-- {
if c := p[i-1]; c != ' ' && c != '\r' && c != '\t' && c != '\n' {
return p[0:i], nil
// readLineBytes, but convert the bytes into a string.
func readLine(b *bufio.Reader) (s string, err os.Error) {
p, e := readLineBytes(b);
if e != nil {
return "", e
return string(p), nil
// Read a key/value pair from b.
// A key/value has the form Key: Value\r\n
// and the Value can continue on multiple lines if each continuation line
// starts with a space.
func readKeyValue(b *bufio.Reader) (key, value string, err os.Error) {
line, e := readLineBytes(b);
if e != nil {
return "", "", e
if len(line) == 0 {
return "", "", nil
// Scan first line for colon.
for i := 0; i < len(line); i++ {
switch line[i] {
case ' ':
// Key field has space - no good.
return "", "", BadHeader;
case ':':
key = string(line[0:i]);
// Skip initial space before value.
for i++; i < len(line); i++ {
if line[i] != ' ' {
value = string(line[i:len(line)]);
// Look for extension lines, which must begin with space.
for {
var c byte;
if c, e = b.ReadByte(); e != nil {
return "", "", e
if c != ' ' {
// Not leading space; stop.
// Eat leading space.
for c == ' ' {
if c, e = b.ReadByte(); e != nil {
return "", "", e
// Read the rest of the line and add to value.
if line, e = readLineBytes(b); e != nil {
return "", "", e
value += " " + string(line);
if len(value) >= maxValueLength {
return "", "", ValueTooLong
return key, value, nil
// Line ended before space or colon.
return "", "", BadHeader;
// Convert decimal at s[i:len(s)] to integer,
// returning value, string position where the digits stopped,
// and whether there was a valid number (digits, not too big).
func atoi(s string, i int) (n, i1 int, ok bool) {
const Big = 1000000;
if i >= len(s) || s[i] < '0' || s[i] > '9' {
return 0, 0, false
n = 0;
for ; i < len(s) && '0' <= s[i] && s[i] <= '9'; i++ {
n = n*10 + int(s[i]-'0');
if n > Big {
return 0, 0, false
return n, i, true
// Parse HTTP version: "HTTP/1.2" -> (1, 2, true).
func parseHTTPVersion(vers string) (int, int, bool) {
if vers[0:5] != "HTTP/" {
return 0, 0, false
major, i, ok := atoi(vers, 5);
if !ok || i >= len(vers) || vers[i] != '.' {
return 0, 0, false
var minor int;
minor, i, ok = atoi(vers, i+1);
if !ok || i != len(vers) {
return 0, 0, false
return major, minor, true
var cmap = make(map[string]string)
// CanonicalHeaderKey returns the canonical format of the
// HTTP header key s. The canonicalization converts the first
// letter and any letter following a hyphen to upper case;
// the rest are converted to lowercase. For example, the
// canonical key for "accept-encoding" is "Accept-Encoding".
func CanonicalHeaderKey(s string) string {
if t, ok := cmap[s]; ok {
return t;
// canonicalize: first letter upper case
// and upper case after each dash.
// (Host, User-Agent, If-Modified-Since).
// HTTP headers are ASCII only, so no Unicode issues.
a := io.StringBytes(s);
upper := true;
for i,v := range a {
if upper && 'a' <= v && v <= 'z' {
a[i] = v + 'A' - 'a';
if !upper && 'A' <= v && v <= 'Z' {
a[i] = v + 'a' - 'A';
upper = false;
if v == '-' {
upper = true;
t := string(a);
cmap[s] = t;
return t;
// ReadRequest reads and parses a request from b.
func ReadRequest(b *bufio.Reader) (req *Request, err os.Error) {
2009-01-06 16:19:02 -07:00
req = new(Request);
// First line: GET /index.html HTTP/1.0
var s string;
if s, err = readLine(b); err != nil {
return nil, err
var f []string;
if f = strings.Split(s, " "); len(f) != 3 {
return nil, BadRequest
req.Method, req.RawUrl, req.Proto = f[0], f[1], f[2];
var ok bool;
if req.ProtoMajor, req.ProtoMinor, ok = parseHTTPVersion(req.Proto); !ok {
return nil, BadHTTPVersion
if req.Url, err = ParseURL(req.RawUrl); err != nil {
return nil, err
// Subsequent lines: Key: value.
nheader := 0;
req.Header = make(map[string] string);
for {
var key, value string;
if key, value, err = readKeyValue(b); err != nil {
return nil, err
if key == "" {
if nheader++; nheader >= maxHeaderLines {
return nil, HeaderTooLong
key = CanonicalHeaderKey(key);
// RFC 2616 says that if you send the same header key
// multiple times, it has to be semantically equivalent
// to concatenating the values separated by commas.
oldvalue, present := req.Header[key];
if present {
req.Header[key] = oldvalue+","+value
} else {
req.Header[key] = value
// RFC2616: Must treat
// GET /index.html HTTP/1.1
// Host: www.google.com
// and
// GET http://www.google.com/index.html HTTP/1.1
// Host: doesntmatter
// the same. In the second case, any Host line is ignored.
if v, present := req.Header["Host"]; present && req.Url.Host == "" {
req.Host = v
// RFC2616: Should treat
// Pragma: no-cache
// like
// Cache-Control: no-cache
if v, present := req.Header["Pragma"]; present && v == "no-cache" {
if cc, presentcc := req.Header["Cache-Control"]; !presentcc {
req.Header["Cache-Control"] = "no-cache"
// Determine whether to hang up after sending the reply.
if req.ProtoMajor < 1 || (req.ProtoMajor == 1 && req.ProtoMinor < 1) {
req.Close = true
} else if v, present := req.Header["Connection"]; present {
// TODO: Should split on commas, toss surrounding white space,
// and check each field.
if v == "close" {
req.Close = true
// Pull out useful fields as a convenience to clients.
if v, present := req.Header["Referer"]; present {
req.Referer = v
if v, present := req.Header["User-Agent"]; present {
req.UserAgent = v
// TODO: Parse specific header values:
// Accept
// Accept-Encoding
// Accept-Language
// Authorization
// Cache-Control
// Connection
// Date
// Expect
// From
// If-Match
// If-Modified-Since
// If-None-Match
// If-Range
// If-Unmodified-Since
// Max-Forwards
// Proxy-Authorization
// Referer [sic]
// TE (transfer-codings)
// Trailer
// Transfer-Encoding
// Upgrade
// User-Agent
// Via
// Warning
// A message body exists when either Content-Length or Transfer-Encoding
// headers are present. TODO: Handle Transfer-Encoding.
if v, present := req.Header["Content-Length"]; present {
length, err := strconv.Btoui64(v, 10);
if err != nil {
return nil, BadContentLength
// TODO: limit the Content-Length. This is an easy DoS vector.
raw := make([]byte, length);
n, err := b.Read(raw);
if err != nil || uint64(n) < length {
return nil, ShortEntityBody
req.Body = io.NewByteReader(raw);
return req, nil