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// Copyright 2020 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Package regtest provides an environment for writing regression tests.
package regtest
import (
// EnvMode is a bitmask that defines in which execution environments a test
// should run.
type EnvMode int
const (
// Singleton mode uses a separate cache for each test.
Singleton EnvMode = 1 << iota
// Shared mode uses a Shared cache.
// Forwarded forwards connections to an in-process gopls instance.
// SeparateProcess runs a separate gopls process, and forwards connections to
// it.
// NormalModes runs tests in all modes.
NormalModes = Singleton | Shared | Forwarded
// A Runner runs tests in gopls execution environments, as specified by its
// modes. For modes that share state (for example, a shared cache or common
// remote), any tests that execute on the same Runner will share the same
// state.
type Runner struct {
defaultModes EnvMode
timeout time.Duration
goplsPath string
mu sync.Mutex
ts *servertest.TCPServer
socketDir string
// NewTestRunner creates a Runner with its shared state initialized, ready to
// run tests.
func NewTestRunner(modes EnvMode, testTimeout time.Duration, goplsPath string) *Runner {
return &Runner{
defaultModes: modes,
timeout: testTimeout,
goplsPath: goplsPath,
// Modes returns the bitmask of environment modes this runner is configured to
// test.
func (r *Runner) Modes() EnvMode {
return r.defaultModes
// getTestServer gets the test server instance to connect to, or creates one if
// it doesn't exist.
func (r *Runner) getTestServer() *servertest.TCPServer {
defer r.mu.Unlock()
if r.ts == nil {
di := debug.NewInstance("", "")
ss := lsprpc.NewStreamServer(cache.New(nil, di.State), false, di)
r.ts = servertest.NewTCPServer(context.Background(), ss)
return r.ts
// runTestAsGoplsEnvvar triggers TestMain to run gopls instead of running
// tests. It's a trick to allow tests to find a binary to use to start a gopls
// subprocess.
const runTestAsGoplsEnvvar = "_GOPLS_TEST_BINARY_RUN_AS_GOPLS"
func (r *Runner) getRemoteSocket(t *testing.T) string {
defer r.mu.Unlock()
const daemonFile = "gopls-test-daemon"
if r.socketDir != "" {
return filepath.Join(r.socketDir, daemonFile)
if r.goplsPath == "" {
t.Fatal("cannot run tests with a separate process unless a path to a gopls binary is configured")
var err error
r.socketDir, err = ioutil.TempDir("", "gopls-regtests")
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("creating tempdir: %v", err)
socket := filepath.Join(r.socketDir, daemonFile)
args := []string{"serve", "-listen", "unix;" + socket}
cmd := exec.Command(r.goplsPath, args...)
cmd.Env = append(os.Environ(), runTestAsGoplsEnvvar+"=true")
var stderr bytes.Buffer
cmd.Stderr = &stderr
go func() {
if err := cmd.Run(); err != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("error running external gopls: %v\nstderr:\n%s", err, stderr.String()))
return socket
// Close cleans up resource that have been allocated to this workspace.
func (r *Runner) Close() error {
defer r.mu.Unlock()
if r.ts != nil {
if r.socketDir != "" {
return nil
// Run executes the test function in the default configured gopls execution
// modes. For each a test run, a new workspace is created containing the
// un-txtared files specified by filedata.
func (r *Runner) Run(t *testing.T, filedata string, test func(context.Context, *testing.T, *Env)) {
r.RunInMode(r.defaultModes, t, filedata, test)
// RunInMode runs the test in the execution modes specified by the modes bitmask.
func (r *Runner) RunInMode(modes EnvMode, t *testing.T, filedata string, test func(ctx context.Context, t *testing.T, e *Env)) {
tests := []struct {
name string
mode EnvMode
getConnector func(context.Context, *testing.T) (servertest.Connector, func())
{"singleton", Singleton, r.singletonEnv},
{"shared", Shared, r.sharedEnv},
{"forwarded", Forwarded, r.forwardedEnv},
{"separate_process", SeparateProcess, r.separateProcessEnv},
for _, tc := range tests {
tc := tc
if modes&tc.mode == 0 {
t.Run(tc.name, func(t *testing.T) {
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), r.timeout)
defer cancel()
ws, err := fake.NewWorkspace("lsprpc", []byte(filedata))
if err != nil {
defer ws.Close()
ts, cleanup := tc.getConnector(ctx, t)
defer cleanup()
env := NewEnv(ctx, t, ws, ts)
defer func() {
if err := env.E.Shutdown(ctx); err != nil {
test(ctx, t, env)
func (r *Runner) singletonEnv(ctx context.Context, t *testing.T) (servertest.Connector, func()) {
di := debug.NewInstance("", "")
ss := lsprpc.NewStreamServer(cache.New(nil, di.State), false, di)
ts := servertest.NewPipeServer(ctx, ss)
cleanup := func() {
return ts, cleanup
func (r *Runner) sharedEnv(ctx context.Context, t *testing.T) (servertest.Connector, func()) {
return r.getTestServer(), func() {}
func (r *Runner) forwardedEnv(ctx context.Context, t *testing.T) (servertest.Connector, func()) {
ts := r.getTestServer()
forwarder := lsprpc.NewForwarder("tcp", ts.Addr, false, debug.NewInstance("", ""))
ts2 := servertest.NewPipeServer(ctx, forwarder)
cleanup := func() {
return ts2, cleanup
func (r *Runner) separateProcessEnv(ctx context.Context, t *testing.T) (servertest.Connector, func()) {
socket := r.getRemoteSocket(t)
forwarder := lsprpc.NewForwarder("unix", socket, false, debug.NewInstance("", ""))
ts2 := servertest.NewPipeServer(ctx, forwarder)
cleanup := func() {
return ts2, cleanup
// Env holds an initialized fake Editor, Workspace, and Server, which may be
// used for writing tests. It also provides adapter methods that call t.Fatal
// on any error, so that tests for the happy path may be written without
// checking errors.
type Env struct {
t *testing.T
ctx context.Context
// Most tests should not need to access the workspace or editor, or server,
// but they are available if needed.
W *fake.Workspace
E *fake.Editor
Server servertest.Connector
// mu guards the fields below, for the purpose of checking conditions on
// every change to diagnostics.
mu sync.Mutex
// For simplicity, each waiter gets a unique ID.
nextWaiterID int
lastDiagnostics map[string]*protocol.PublishDiagnosticsParams
waiters map[int]*diagnosticCondition
// A diagnosticCondition is satisfied when all expectations are simultaneously
// met. At that point, the 'met' channel is closed.
type diagnosticCondition struct {
expectations []DiagnosticExpectation
met chan struct{}
// NewEnv creates a new test environment using the given workspace and gopls
// server.
func NewEnv(ctx context.Context, t *testing.T, ws *fake.Workspace, ts servertest.Connector) *Env {
conn := ts.Connect(ctx)
editor, err := fake.NewConnectedEditor(ctx, ws, conn)
if err != nil {
env := &Env{
t: t,
ctx: ctx,
W: ws,
E: editor,
Server: ts,
lastDiagnostics: make(map[string]*protocol.PublishDiagnosticsParams),
waiters: make(map[int]*diagnosticCondition),
return env
// RemoveFileFromWorkspace deletes a file on disk but does nothing in the
// editor. It calls t.Fatal on any error.
func (e *Env) RemoveFileFromWorkspace(name string) {
if err := e.W.RemoveFile(e.ctx, name); err != nil {
// OpenFile opens a file in the editor, calling t.Fatal on any error.
func (e *Env) OpenFile(name string) {
if err := e.E.OpenFile(e.ctx, name); err != nil {
// CreateBuffer creates a buffer in the editor, calling t.Fatal on any error.
func (e *Env) CreateBuffer(name string, content string) {
if err := e.E.CreateBuffer(e.ctx, name, content); err != nil {
// EditBuffer applies edits to an editor buffer, calling t.Fatal on any error.
func (e *Env) EditBuffer(name string, edits ...fake.Edit) {
if err := e.E.EditBuffer(e.ctx, name, edits); err != nil {
// GoToDefinition goes to definition in the editor, calling t.Fatal on any
// error.
func (e *Env) GoToDefinition(name string, pos fake.Pos) (string, fake.Pos) {
n, p, err := e.E.GoToDefinition(e.ctx, name, pos)
if err != nil {
return n, p
func (e *Env) onDiagnostics(_ context.Context, d *protocol.PublishDiagnosticsParams) error {
defer e.mu.Unlock()
pth := e.W.URIToPath(d.URI)
e.lastDiagnostics[pth] = d
for id, condition := range e.waiters {
if meetsCondition(e.lastDiagnostics, condition.expectations) {
delete(e.waiters, id)
return nil
// CloseEditor shuts down the editor, calling t.Fatal on any error.
func (e *Env) CloseEditor() {
if err := e.E.Shutdown(e.ctx); err != nil {
if err := e.E.Exit(e.ctx); err != nil {
func meetsCondition(m map[string]*protocol.PublishDiagnosticsParams, expectations []DiagnosticExpectation) bool {
for _, e := range expectations {
if !e.IsMet(m) {
return false
return true
// A DiagnosticExpectation is a condition that must be met by the current set
// of diagnostics.
type DiagnosticExpectation struct {
IsMet func(map[string]*protocol.PublishDiagnosticsParams) bool
Description string
// EmptyDiagnostics asserts that diagnostics are empty for the
// workspace-relative path name.
func EmptyDiagnostics(name string) DiagnosticExpectation {
isMet := func(diags map[string]*protocol.PublishDiagnosticsParams) bool {
ds, ok := diags[name]
return ok && len(ds.Diagnostics) == 0
return DiagnosticExpectation{
IsMet: isMet,
Description: fmt.Sprintf("empty diagnostics for %q", name),
// DiagnosticAt asserts that there is a diagnostic entry at the position
// specified by line and col, for the workspace-relative path name.
func DiagnosticAt(name string, line, col int) DiagnosticExpectation {
isMet := func(diags map[string]*protocol.PublishDiagnosticsParams) bool {
ds, ok := diags[name]
if !ok || len(ds.Diagnostics) == 0 {
return false
for _, d := range ds.Diagnostics {
if d.Range.Start.Line == float64(line) && d.Range.Start.Character == float64(col) {
return true
return false
return DiagnosticExpectation{
IsMet: isMet,
Description: fmt.Sprintf("diagnostic in %q at (line:%d, column:%d)", name, line, col),
// Await waits for all diagnostic expectations to simultaneously be met.
func (e *Env) Await(expectations ...DiagnosticExpectation) {
// NOTE: in the future this mechanism extend beyond just diagnostics, for
// example by modifying IsMet to be a func(*Env) boo. However, that would
// require careful checking of conditions around every state change, so for
// now we just limit the scope to diagnostic conditions.
// Before adding the waiter, we check if the condition is currently met to
// avoid a race where the condition was realized before Await was called.
if meetsCondition(e.lastDiagnostics, expectations) {
met := make(chan struct{})
e.waiters[e.nextWaiterID] = &diagnosticCondition{
expectations: expectations,
met: met,
select {
case <-e.ctx.Done():
// Debugging an unmet expectation can be tricky, so we put some effort into
// nicely formatting the failure.
var descs []string
for _, e := range expectations {
descs = append(descs, e.Description)
diagString := formatDiagnostics(e.lastDiagnostics)
e.t.Fatalf("waiting on (%s):\nerr:%v\ndiagnostics:\n%s", strings.Join(descs, ", "), e.ctx.Err(), diagString)
case <-met:
func formatDiagnostics(diags map[string]*protocol.PublishDiagnosticsParams) string {
var b strings.Builder
for name, params := range diags {
b.WriteString(name + ":\n")
for _, d := range params.Diagnostics {
b.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("\t(%d, %d): %s\n", int(d.Range.Start.Line), int(d.Range.Start.Character), d.Message))
return b.String()