36 lines
734 B
36 lines
734 B
GOT_AUTHOR="Aaron Bieber <aaron@bolddaemon.com>"
. ${OHMYKSH_DIR}/ohmy.ksh
set -A my_paths -- \
/usr/ports/infrastructure/bin \
~/bin \
~/go/bin \
paths "${my_paths[@]}"
load_extension fonts
load_extension k
load_extension nocolor
load_extension openbsd
load_extension pkgup
load_completion ssh
load_completion vmd
load_completion rc
#load_completion gopass
load_completion git
load_completion got
load_completion mpc
alias dotconf='/usr/local/bin/git --git-dir=$HOME/.dotconf --work-tree=$HOME'
alias mutt='stty discard undef; neomutt'
alias tmux="tmux -u2"
alias vi=vim
alias got='env EDITOR=vim got'
# the q prompt auto-loads the git-prompt extension
set_prompt q