
222 lines
7.4 KiB

ModulePath /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fvwm
PixmapPath /usr/X11R6/include/X11/pixmaps
IconPath /usr/X11R6/include/X11/bitmaps
EdgeResistance 250 10
EdgeScroll 100 100
ClickTime 750
WindowFont -adobe-helvetica-bold-r-normal-*-12-*-*-*-*-*-iso10646-1
IconFont -adobe-helvetica-bold-r-normal-*-12-*-*-*-*-*-iso10646-1
MenuStyle #000000 #ffffea #dedeff -adobe-helvetica-bold-r-normal-*-12-*-*-*-*-*-iso10646-1 fvwm
DeskTopSize 2x2
ColormapFocus FollowsFocus
AddToDecor flatness
+ ButtonStyle All ActiveUp (-- flat) Inactive (-- flat)
+ TitleStyle -- flat
+ BorderStyle -- HiddenHandles NoInset
+ WindowFont -adobe-helvetica-bold-r-normal-*-12-*-*-*-*-*-iso10646-1
# Default styles
Style "*" UseDecor flatness
Style "*" BorderWidth 4, HandleWidth 4
Style "*" Icon unknown1.xpm, Color Grey30
Style "*" MWMFunctions, MWMDecor, HintOverride
Style "*" DecorateTransient, NoPPosition
Style "*" IconBox -71 1 -1 -140
Style "*" ClickToFocus
Style "*" RandomPlacement, SmartPlacement
Style "*" Color White/Gray30
Style "Fvwm*" NoTitle, Sticky, WindowListSkip
Style "Fvwm*" BorderWidth 0, CirculateSkipIcon, CirculateSkip
Style "FvwmButtons" StaysOnTop, Icon toolbox.xpm
# Styles for various common programs:
Style "*lock" NoTitle, NoHandles, Sticky, WindowListSkip
Style "xconsole" Icon rterm.xpm, WindowListSkip, Sticky, IconBox 0 -10 -280 -1
# some simple default mouse bindings:
# for the root window:
Mouse 1 R A Menu RootMenu Nop
Mouse 2 R A Menu Window-Ops Nop
Mouse 3 R A WindowList
# for the title bar buttons:
Mouse 0 1 A Menu Window-Ops2 Close
Mouse 0 2 A Maximize-Func
Mouse 0 4 A Iconify
# for other parts of the window/borders/icons:
Mouse 1 F A Resize-or-Raise
Mouse 1 TS A Move-or-Raise
Mouse 1 I A Move-or-Iconify
Mouse 2 I A Iconify
Mouse 2 FST A Menu Window-Ops2 Nop
Mouse 3 TSIF A RaiseLower
######################## Initialization Functions ############################
AddToFunc "InitFunction" "I" Module FvwmButtons
+ "I" Next [!iconic CurrentScreen xterm] Focus
+ "I" Exec /usr/X11R6/bin/xidle -delay 5 -program "/usr/X11R6/bin/xlock" -timeout 300
+ "I" Exec /usr/X11R6/bin/xcompmgr
+ "I" Exec /usr/local/bin/hsetroot -center ~/.background.png
AddToFunc "RestartFunction" "I" Module FvwmButtons
+ "I" Next [!iconic CurrentScreen xterm] Focus
######################## Menus ###################
AddToMenu BacklightMenu "Backlight Control" Title
+ "Backlight 100%%" exec xbacklight -set 100
+ "Backlight 90%%" exec xbacklight -set 90
+ "Backlight 80%%" exec xbacklight -set 80
+ "Backlight 70%%" exec xbacklight -set 70
+ "Backlight 60%%" exec xbacklight -set 60
+ "Backlight 50%%" exec xbacklight -set 50
+ "Backlight 40%%" exec xbacklight -set 40
+ "Backlight 30%%" exec xbacklight -set 30
+ "Backlight 20%%" exec xbacklight -set 20
+ "Backlight 10%%" exec xbacklight -set 10
AddToMenu VolumeMenu "Volume Control" Title
+ "Volume 100%%" exec mixerctl -q outputs.master=255
+ "Volume 90%%" exec mixerctl -q outputs.master=230
+ "Volume 80%%" exec mixerctl -q outputs.master=205
+ "Volume 70%%" exec mixerctl -q outputs.master=180
+ "Volume 60%%" exec mixerctl -q outputs.master=155
+ "Volume 50%%" exec mixerctl -q outputs.master=130
+ "Volume 40%%" exec mixerctl -q outputs.master=105
+ "Volume 30%%" exec mixerctl -q outputs.master=80
+ "Volume 20%%" exec mixerctl -q outputs.master=55
+ "Volume 10%%" exec mixerctl -q outputs.master=20
+ "Volume 0%%" exec mixerctl -q outputs.master=0
AddToMenu IDEMenu "IDEs" Title
+ "Emacs" exec /usr/local/bin/emacs
+ "GoLand" exec /usr/local/bin/goland
+ "IntelliJ" exec /usr/local/bin/intellij
AddToMenu RootMenu "Root Menu" Title
+ "XTerm" Exec exec /usr/X11R6/bin/xterm
+ "Browser" Exec exec chrome
+ "Emacs" Exec exec /usr/local/bin/emacs
+ "" Nop
+ "IDEs" Popup IDEMenu
+ "" Nop
+ "Tile" Module FvwmRearrange -tile -mn 2 5 5 95 95
+ "Tile Full" Module FvwmRearrange -tile -mn 2 3 3 97 97
+ "Cascade" Module FvwmRearrange -cascade -resize 5 5 90 90
+ "" Nop
+ "Volume Control" Popup VolumeMenu
+ "Backlight Control" Popup BacklightMenu
+ "" Nop
+ "Identify" Module FvwmIdent
+ "" Nop
+ "Restart Fvwm" Restart fvwm
+ "" Nop
+ "Lock Screen" Exec exec xlock
+ "" Nop
+ "Exit" Module FvwmForm QuitVerify
AddToMenu Window-Ops "Window Ops" Title
+ "Move" Move
+ "Resize" Resize
+ "Raise" Raise
+ "Lower" Lower
+ "(De)Iconify" Iconify
+ "(Un)Stick" Stick
+ "(Un)Maximize" Maximize
+ "" Nop
+ "Delete" Delete
+ "Close" Close
+ "Destroy" Destroy
AddToMenu Window-Ops2 "&Move" Move
+ "&Resize" Resize
+ "R&aise" Raise
+ "&Lower" Lower
+ "(De)&Iconify" Iconify
+ "(Un)&Stick" Stick
+ "(Un)Ma&ximize" Maximize
+ "" Nop
+ "&Delete" Delete
+ "&Close" Close
+ "Destroy" Destroy
######################## Sample Functions ##########################
AddToFunc Move-or-Raise "I" Raise
+ "M" Move
+ "D" Lower
AddToFunc Move-or-Raise2 "M" Raise
+ "M" Move
+ "D" Lower
AddToFunc Maximize-Func "M" Maximize 0 100
+ "C" Maximize 0 80
+ "D" Maximize 100 100
AddToFunc Move-or-Iconify "I" Raise
+ "M" Move
+ "D" Iconify
AddToFunc Resize-or-Raise "I" Raise
+ "M" Resize
+ "D" Lower
AddToFunc Resize-or-Raise2 "M" Raise
+ "M" Resize
+ "D" Lower
# Now some keyboard shortcuts.
Key Tab A M WindowList Root c c NoDeskSort, SelectOnRelease Meta_L
Key Return A MC Exec /usr/X11R6/bin/xterm
Key R A M Exec exec /usr/local/bin/rofi -show run
Key T A M Module FvwmRearrange -tile -mn 2 5 5 95 95
################## FvwmButtons button-bar ################################
*FvwmButtonsGeometry 300x50-0-0
*FvwmButtonsRows 1
*FvwmButtons(Swallow XClock 'Exec xclock -padding 0 -fg white -bg Gray30 -d -render -strftime "%H:%M" &')
*FvwmButtons(Swallow xbatt 'Exec /usr/local/bin/xbatt &')
*FvwmButtons(Swallow stalonetray 'Exec /usr/local/bin/stalonetray --geometry 3x3+0-0 &')
*FvwmButtons(Swallow(UseOld,NoKill) "xload" `Exec xload -title xload -fg White -bg Gray30 -update 3 -nolabel &`)
*FvwmButtons(1x1 Frame 0 Swallow(UseOld) "FvwmPager" "Module FvwmPager 0 0")
########################## Window-Identifier ###############################
# Just choose colors and a fonts
*FvwmIdentBack #ffffea
*FvwmIdentFore black
########################### Pager #########################################
*FvwmPagerBack Gray30
*FvwmPagerFore White
*FvwmPagerHilight DimGray
*FvwmPagerGeometry 128x96-1-1
*FvwmWinListBack #908090
*FvwmWinListFore Black
*FvwmWinListAction Click1 Iconify -1,Focus
*FvwmWinListAction Click2 Iconify
*FvwmWinListAction Click3 Module "FvwmIdent" FvwmIdent
*FvwmWinListGeometry +0-1
*FvwmBackerDesk 0 -solid Grey30
*FvwmBackerDesk 1 -solid Grey50
*QuitVerifyLine center
*QuitVerifyText "Do you really want to exit FVWM?"
*QuitVerifyLine expand
*QuitVerifyButton quit " Exit "
*QuitVerifyCommand Quit
*QuitVerifyButton quit "Cancel"
*QuitVerifyCommand Nop